Invisalign for Busy Professionals: Balancing Treatment with Your Career

For professionals in Berwyn, IL, achieving a straighter smile can feel like a distant dream. Between demanding schedules, meetings, and travel, traditional braces seem like a logistical nightmare. But what if there was a way to straighten your teeth discreetly and conveniently without sacrificing your professional image?

Clear aligners offer a revolutionary solution for busy professionals seeking a perfect smile. This innovative treatment from an Invisalign Dentist in Berwyn, IL allows you to gradually transform your smile without disrupting your work life.

Why Invisalign is the Perfect Choice for Berwyn Professionals

Here’s how Invisalign can help you achieve a straighter smile while excelling in your career:

Discreet Treatment, Maximum Confidence

Virtually Invisible Aligners: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners that gently shift your teeth into place. These aligners are practically invisible, ensuring you maintain a professional appearance during meetings, presentations, and client interactions.

Flexibility That Fits Your Busy Schedule

Fewer Appointments: With clear aligners, you won’t have to worry about frequent adjustments disrupting your workday. An Invisalign Dentist in Berwyn, IL will provide you with a set of aligners to wear for a specific period, typically around two weeks. While regular check-ins are needed to monitor progress, these appointments are often shorter and less invasive than those required with traditional braces.

Maintain a Professional Image with Confidence

Removable for Important Occasions: Invisalign allows you to remove the aligners for short periods, such as during meals, presentations, or important meetings. This means you can confidently smile and interact with colleagues and clients without feeling self-conscious about your teeth.

Comfort and Convenience You Can Count On

Enhanced Comfort: Traditional braces can irritate your gums and cheeks, making eating, speaking, and smiling uncomfortable. Clear aligners are smooth and comfortable to wear, eliminating these common annoyances.

Improved Oral Hygiene: Invisalign’s removable nature makes cleaning teeth easier, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Invest in Yourself: A Straighter Smile for a Brighter Future

Confidence Boost: A straighter smile can significantly improve your confidence and self-esteem. When you feel good about your appearance, you’re more likely to project a positive and professional image in the workplace.

Long-Term Benefits: Straight teeth aren’t just about aesthetics; they can also improve your oral health by making it easier to clean your teeth and reducing the risk of gum disease. Aligner treatment with an Invisalign Dentist Berwyn is an investment in a healthier, more confident smile that will benefit you both personally and professionally.

Ready to Take the First Step Towards Your Dream Smile?

If you’re a busy professional in Berwyn, IL, considering clear aligner treatment, schedule a consultation with an expert Invisalign Dentist. During your consultation, the dentist will discuss your individual needs and goals and determine if clear aligners are the right treatment option for you. They will also create a customized treatment plan and answer any questions you may have about the process.

Reliable Dentist In Berwyn Offering Advanced Dental Cleaning Services

Taking care of your oral health goes beyond just brushing and flossing. Regular dental cleanings are crucial for preventing gum disease and maintaining a healthy smile. But sometimes, more than a standard cleaning is needed. That’s where advanced teeth cleaning comes in.

This blog post from your friendly dentist in Berwyn IL will delve into advanced dental cleaning, its benefits, and how it can significantly improve your oral health.

What is Advanced Dental Cleaning?

Unlike a regular cleaning that focuses on removing plaque and tartar buildup above the gum line, advanced teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, tackles deeper issues. Here’s how it works:

Scaling: Using specialized instruments, a dentist in Berwyn removes hardened plaque and tartar (calculus) from below the gum line (pockets) where regular brushing can’t reach.

Root Planing: This process smoothens rough surfaces on tooth roots, making it harder for plaque to adhere in the future.

Signs You Might Need an Advanced Cleaning From Your Dentist Berwyn 

Here are some indicators that you might benefit from an advanced cleaning:

Bleeding gums: This is a common sign of gum inflammation, a precursor to gum disease.

Receding gums: Gums pulling away from the teeth expose the root surface, increasing sensitivity and risk of infection.

Persistent bad breath: Regular brushing and flossing don’t eliminate the odor.

Loose teeth: Advanced gum disease can loosen teeth due to bone loss.

Benefits of Advanced Dental Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning

While regular cleanings are essential for preventive care, advanced cleaning offers additional benefits:

Combats gum disease: It removes bacteria deep below the gum line, preventing the progression of gum disease.

Improves oral health: By removing plaque and tartar buildup, it reduces inflammation and promotes gum health.

Freshens breath: Eliminating bacteria that cause bad breath leads to a fresher mouth.

Prevents tooth loss: Combating gum disease preserves the bone supporting your teeth, preventing tooth loss.

The Process of Advanced Cleaning at Our Berwyn Dental Practice

Here’s what you can expect during an advanced cleaning at your Berwyn dentist appointment:

Consultation and Examination: The dentist will discuss your concerns and examine your gums for signs of gum disease.

Local Anesthetic: A topical anesthetic may be applied to numb the area for a more comfortable experience.

Scaling and Root Planing: Using specialized tools, the dentist removes plaque and tartar buildup and smoothens tooth root surfaces.

Antibiotics (Optional): In severe cases of gum disease, antibiotics might be prescribed to combat infection.

Review and Aftercare Instructions: The dentist will discuss next steps and provide instructions on maintaining oral hygiene after the procedure.

How Often Should I Get Advanced Dental Cleanings from My Dentist Berwyn?

The frequency of advanced cleanings depends on your gum health.  Your dentist Berwyn will recommend a schedule based on the severity of your gum disease. Generally, patients with mild to moderate gum disease might require them every 3-6 months, while those with severe gum disease might need them more frequently.

Advanced Cleaning vs. Periodontal Treatment: What’s the Difference?

Advanced Cleaning (Scaling and Root Planning): 

This is a deep cleaning procedure used for preventative measures or to treat mild to moderate gum disease.  Also known as prophylaxis (prophy) for deep cleaning, it removes plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line and smooths tooth root surfaces to prevent future bacterial attachment.  Think of it as a more intensive version of regular cleaning, reaching deeper to halt the progression of gum disease in its early stages.

Periodontal Treatment:

This encompasses a wider range of procedures used to treat advanced gum disease (periodontitis).  When gum disease progresses, it can lead to bone loss around the teeth. Periodontal treatment aims to:

  • Control infection: This might involve scaling and root planing, along with antibiotic therapy to combat severe bacterial growth.
  • Remove inflamed tissue: In some cases, removing a small amount of infected gum tissue might be necessary to improve access for cleaning and promote healing.
  • Regenerate bone loss (if possible): For moderate bone loss, specialized procedures can encourage new bone growth to support the teeth.
  • Gum surgery: In severe cases with significant bone loss, gum surgery might be needed to reshape gum tissue, improve access for cleaning, and potentially cover exposed tooth roots.

Your dentist Berwyn will determine the most appropriate treatment based on your individual needs.

Will Advanced Dental Cleaning Hurt?

While some discomfort is possible during the procedure, your trusted dentist in Berwyn IL will strive to make the experience as comfortable as possible using local anesthesia and gentle techniques.

You might experience some tenderness following the procedure, but this usually subsides within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any discomfort.

Maintaining Healthy Teeth & Gums After Your Advanced Cleaning

Following your advanced dental cleaning in Berwyn IL, practicing good oral hygiene habits is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and gums:

  • Brushing: Brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing: Flossing daily to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet: Limiting sugary foods and drinks helps prevent plaque buildup.
  • Regular Checkups: Scheduling regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist Berwyn for ongoing monitoring and preventive care.

By prioritizing good oral hygiene and visiting your Berwyn dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, you can ensure a healthy smile for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns about advanced cleanings or your gum health, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your friendly dentist in Berwyn.

How to Adjust to New Dentures: Tips for Comfort and Confidence

Adjusting to new dentures can be a challenging journey, but with the right tips and guidance, you can ease into this transition smoothly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into practical strategies and expert advice to help you find comfort and confidence with your new artificial teeth. Whether you’re a first-time denture wearer or undergoing adjustments, these tips will empower you to embrace your new smile with ease.

Understanding the Transition Period

Transitioning to new dentures is not just about physical adjustment; it also involves adapting emotionally and mentally. Recognizing the stages of this transition can help you navigate through it effectively. From the initial discomfort to eventual acceptance, each phase plays a crucial role in your journey towards comfort and confidence.

Practical Tips for Comfort

Choosing the Right Dentures

Selecting the appropriate dentures is the first step towards comfort. Opt for artificial teeth that fit well and are tailored to your mouth’s specifications. Consulting with your dentist for custom-fitted dentures ensures a snug and comfortable fit, minimizing irritation and soreness.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is paramount, especially during the adjustment period. Clean your dentures daily using a soft-bristled brush and mild cleanser recommended by your dentist. Additionally, remember to brush your gums, tongue, and palate to prevent bacterial buildup and maintain oral health.

Gradual Adjustment

Give yourself time to acclimate to wearing dentures. Start by wearing them for short intervals, gradually increasing the duration as you become accustomed to the sensation. This gradual approach minimizes discomfort and allows your mouth muscles to adapt to the new appliance.

Utilizing Adhesive Products

Denture adhesives can enhance stability and comfort, especially during the initial adjustment phase. Apply a pea-sized amount of adhesive on clean, dry dentures for improved grip and confidence while eating and speaking.

Managing Discomfort

It’s normal to experience some discomfort initially, including sore spots and minor irritation. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort, but if persistent issues arise, consult your dentist for adjustments or modifications.

Boosting Confidence

Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive attitude throughout the adjustment process can significantly impact your confidence. Focus on the benefits of your new smile and visualize yourself embracing social situations with ease and self-assurance.

Practice Speaking

Speech may feel different with dentures initially, but regular practice can improve clarity and confidence. Read aloud, engage in conversations, and gradually challenge yourself with various speech exercises to enhance fluency.

Confidence-Building Techniques

Incorporate confidence-building techniques into your daily routine, such as maintaining good posture, making eye contact, and smiling often. These subtle cues not only boost your confidence but also project a positive image to others.

Seeking Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or support groups for encouragement and reassurance. Sharing your experiences with others who have gone through similar transitions can provide valuable insights and emotional support.

Professional Guidance

If you’re struggling with confidence issues or experiencing persistent challenges, consider seeking professional guidance from a counselor or therapist. Addressing underlying concerns can help you build resilience and confidence in your new dentures in Berwyn, IL.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long does it take to adjust to new dentures?

The adjustment period varies for each individual but typically ranges from a few weeks to a few months. Consistency with wearing your dentures and following proper care instructions can expedite the adjustment process.

Can I eat normally with new dentures?

Yes, with time and practice, you can resume eating a wide variety of foods comfortably. Start with soft foods and gradually reintroduce harder textures as you become more accustomed to chewing with dentures.

Will my speech be affected by dentures?

Initially, you may experience minor speech changes, but with practice, your speech will improve. Reading aloud and practicing pronunciation exercises can help you regain confidence and clarity in your speech.

How often should I visit my dentist after getting new dentures?

Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring the fit and condition of your dentures. Your dentist will advise you on the frequency of visits based on your individual needs and oral health status.

Can I sleep with my dentures in?

It’s generally recommended to remove your dentures at night to give your gums and mouth tissues a chance to rest and recover. Sleeping without artificial teeth allows for better circulation and reduces the risk of oral health issues.

What should I do if my dentures feel loose?

If your dentures feel loose or uncomfortable, schedule an appointment with your dentist for adjustments. Avoid using DIY fixes or adhesives as they may worsen the fit and cause additional problems.

Adjusting to new dentures is a process that requires patience, perseverance, and a positive mindset. By implementing these practical tips and seeking support when needed, you can navigate through the transition period with confidence and comfort. Remember, with time and practice, you’ll not only adjust to your new artificial teeth but also embrace them as a natural part of your daily life.

6 Reasons Why Regular Dental Cleanings Are Important

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “You are what you eat.” Well, the same can be said for your teeth. If you don’t take care of your teeth, they’ll decay and become infected. If that happens, you could end up with a mouth full of cavities, gum disease or other problems related to your oral health. Dental cleanings can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease and some forms of oral cancers. They will also help keep your mouth in shape by preventing infections and keeping plaque off your teeth. Eating right and getting regular dental cleanings can help prevent these issues from happening in the first place.

Here are 6 reasons why regular dental cleanings are important:

1. Prevents gum disease

Gum disease is a common problem that affects more than 90 percent of adults over the age of 25. It’s caused by plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a substance that forms when bacteria feed off food and drink left on your teeth for too long. Tartar is hardened plaque, which can be removed by brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing at least once daily.

2. Prevents cavities

Cavities are caused by acid from plaque or other substances eating away at the tooth enamel and mineralizing into spaces between teeth called pits or fissures in your enamel. This leads to cavities as well as pain, sensitivity, bad breath and tooth loss over time if left untreated.

3. Prevents gum recession

Gum recession is a serious problem because it can cause loose gums as they pull back from the tooth surface, exposing the root surfaces of your teeth. When you see your dentist every six months, your dentist can perform an oral examination to check for any existing fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, root canals, or prosthetics; make a note of any missing, chipped, broken, or decayed teeth that need attention; check for early signs of throat or mouth cancer; assess your jaw joint for signs of TMD, and more.

4. Reduces the Risk of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a common oral health problem that occurs when gums become inflamed and swollen due to poor oral hygiene habits like neglecting your gums or brushing too hard with hard bristles on your toothbrush or toothpaste (tartar). Reducing this inflammation helps protect against future periodontal disease.

5. Prevents tooth decay

Teeth are made of hard material, but they’re not impervious to damage. Any injury to the outer enamel layer of your teeth will cause them to become vulnerable to cavities and infections. The most common cause of tooth decay is bacteria that live in the plaque on your teeth. When you eat or drink something containing sugar, bacteria produce acid that attacks the enamel layer and causes decay.

6. Eliminates Plaque Buildup

Plaque is a biofilm that forms on the surfaces of our teeth. It contains plaque bacteria, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque also causes bad breath because it collects food particles in between your teeth where they become sticky and hard to remove with brushing or flossing alone. Regular dental cleanings help to remove plaque buildup from between your teeth so that food particles aren’t trapped there anymore!


Just remember that if you brush your teeth and floss frequently, you shouldn’t have any problem making regular dental cleanings a part of your routine. However, if you do happen to miss a few, it is also critical that you get them done as soon as possible. By having your mouths professionally cleaned every few months you can potentially prevent damage to your gums and teeth and keep them at optimal health level.

Visit our Berwyn dentist and get started with your regular dental cleanings today.

Know The Steps To Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction removes the third set of molars (known as wisdom teeth) and is usually performed between the ages of 17 and 25. Most individuals have at least one impacted wisdom tooth, which means it lacks adequate space to develop normally.

You can prevent them from harming the adjacent teeth and bones by going for wisdom teeth removal. It is important to note that not removing an impacted or infected wisdom tooth on time can be the reason for other severe problems. 

In this blog, we will discuss the ways to prepare for wisdom teeth extraction. So, why wait anymore? Go through the sections below to gather information related to this topic. 

Ways To Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

  • Discuss any worries you may have with your dentist before the process. They can advise you on what to do in the days leading up to surgery and how to prepare for recovery. Additionally, they can discuss the sort of anesthesia that will be used and how you’ll feel following the procedure.
  • The degree of impaction and the number of teeth being removed will affect the cost of removing the wisdom teeth. Check with your dentist to find out the benefits offered by your insurance provider.
  • Buying some soft or liquid-based food items that are simple to eat after surgery will help you prepare for recovery. Smoothies, applesauce, oats, yogurt, and other simple meals may feel easy to eat.
  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing for the treatment procedure. You can also wear a shirt with short sleeves or one that allows you to easily roll the sleeves up in case you receive an intravenous anesthetic. 
  • Be careful to follow your dentist’s instructions when it comes to drinking or eating before the wisdom teeth removal. The instructions might vary based on the type of sedative used. You won’t be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the surgery if you receive an intravenous anesthetic to ensure your stomach is empty.
  • Bring your dental insurance card as well as any required documents. Your dentist will advise you to arrange for someone to drive you home as you’ll be sleepy after anesthesia once the procedure is completed. 

What To Do After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

  • The nitrous oxide gas or IV drip will be stopped once the treatment is over, and you’ll be brought slowly out of sedation.
  • The dentist will give you gauze to bite down on to help the blood clot in the area. You might have moderate post-operative anesthetic side effects like nausea, dizziness, and shivering right away.
  • You’ll be sent to a recovery room, where you’ll be kept under observation. An “all-clear’ will be given by the dental professional to return home if he/she feels that you are stable and breathing correctly. You might have to stay in the recovery room for less than an hour.
  • You’ll feel drowsy and swollen after surgery. Even if you do not experience much pain right away, it will likely get worse as the local anesthetic wears off in the hours following surgery.

Contact Berwyn Dental Connection if you are looking for effective and safe teeth extraction treatment in Berwyn, IL. Our team of dentists and other dental professionals make sure to provide customized treatment plans that perfectly suit a patient’s requirements. Give us a call today!

What Are The Different Kinds of Orthognathic Surgeries?

Everyone wants to seem appealing and to have a beautiful smile. But how many of us truly have it? Many people dislike showing their teeth when they are smiling. Some individuals have gorgeous smiles, but their gums may be exposed, which does not look so attractive. These issues make people lose their natural confidence. 

Fortunately, there are numerous jaw reconstructive surgeries or orthognathic surgeries that are capable of solving elemental problems of teeth alignment and structural deformities of the face and the jaw. But what is orthognathic surgery? Orthognathic surgery refers to several types of corrective jaw surgery operations. This type of oral surgery can treat the issues of upper and lower jaws as needed by the patient. 

Right Candidates For Orthognathic Surgical Procedures

Some long-term jaw irregularities can result in difficulty in talking, eating, sleeping, and other oral health difficulties. There are also other kinds of abnormalities of congenital defects of the jaw that can be corrected with the help of orthognathic surgical procedures. Here are some factors that can make you a potential candidate for this treatment:

  • If you are suffering from teeth grinding disorder or bruxism.
  • Problems with normal speech.
  • Experiencing headaches and jaw pain caused by TMJ disorders.
  • Issues related to sleep apnea.
  • Having troubles with chewing.
  • Poor facial appearance due to misaligned jaws. 

People who are experiencing any of the concerns listed above are the greatest candidates for this type of face surgery. These patients should be in good overall condition and have reasonable expectations regarding the procedure and what it can accomplish. It is also crucial that patients follow the care recommendations of their dental surgeons to the letter to minimize the risk of problems and harmful side effects after surgery.

Various Types of Orthognathic Surgeries

There are 4 types of corrective jaw surgeries. These surgical treatments depend on which part of your jaw needs correcting:

Genioplasty: Genioplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to correct issues of the chin. A weak chin is sometimes associated with a greatly receding lower jaw. Oftentimes, surgeons can reconstruct the chin as well as change the jaw during the same procedure.

Maxillary Osteotomy: Maxillary Osteotomy is a surgical procedure that removes the maxillary bone or the upper jaw. This procedure is used to treat a crossbite, or when there are too many or too few teeth visible. It can also be used to close an open bite.

Mandibular Osteotomy: This surgery is used to repair a drastically receding lower jaw. Depending on the optimal correction and bite alignment, the surgeon pushes the jawbone forwards or backward.

Bimaxillary Osteotomy: Bimaxillary osteotomy is a procedure that involves the correction of both your upper and lower jaws. This procedure is used when a problem affects both jawbones.

 Finally, we hope our blog has helped to enlighten you about the various orthognathic surgeries and their purposes. If you need the best orthognathic treatments in Berwyn, IL, then please visit us at Berwyn Dental Connection. We pride ourselves on our exceptional services. 

Dentist Near Me | Coffee and Your Teeth

Coffee is well-known as hazardous to teeth, but there are things you can do besides cut it out completely. Here are some things to know about coffee’s effects on your oral health and diet, as well as how to mitigate them.

Contrary to popular belief, the pigments that give coffee its color can stain your teeth regardless of whether you take your coffee black or with cream. These pigments embed themselves in microscopic crevices and pits in your tooth enamel and are difficult to remove. To counteract this, don’t give the pigments time to set. When drinking coffee, drink quickly instead of sipping over a long period. Enjoy, then rinse your mouth with water to help neutralize the acid. In addition, following your recommended schedule of dental cleanings can help prevent stains. Whitening can improve the color of your teeth if mild staining has started. Ask our doctor how best to keep your smile bright.

Coffee can have minor benefits for your nutrition, but there are also things to beware. Drinks that are high in dairy fat or sugar can add substantial calories, as well as contributing to the chance of tooth decay. Try making your own coffee at home, where you can control the ingredients used. Minimize your use of creamer and sugar, or try using non-fat or sugar-free substitutes.

Coffee can still be a healthy party of your life if you take some care to protect your teeth. For more tips or to schedule a professional cleaning, contact our office.

Dentist in Berwyn | Can You Inherit Oral Health Issues?

Dentist in Berwyn IL

Most serious oral health issues can be prevented by maintaining an effective routine of dental hygiene and in-office care. However, you could be at higher risk for some oral illnesses due to hereditary factors. Awareness and proper treatment can help minimize these risks. Here are a few of the most common oral health concerns that are affected by genetics.

Tooth decay – One of the most common oral issues, some tooth decay has been linked to a genetic deficiency of a protein called DEFB1. If your parents experienced an unusually high rate of tooth decay, then you may want to be more vigilant regarding your own dental care.

Oral cancer – Certain genetic factors can increase your risk of developing oral cancer. Our doctor recommends annual oral cancer screening for early identification and treatment. In addition, certain lifestyle choices, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption, can help reduce your risk of oral cancer.

Periodontal disease – Recent research has found that some forms of gum disease may be linked to mutations in genes that affect immunity and inflammatory response.

Misaligned or supernumerary (extra) teeth – Genetics can play a role in having misaligned or even extra teeth. The size of your jaw is determined mostly through heredity, and is the most common reason for an overbite, underbite, or dental crowding.

Canker sores – In most cases, canker sores are an isolated reaction to fatigue, stress, or menstrual cycles. However, there are certain inherited diseases that count canker sores among their symptoms. Crohn’s disease and Celiac sprue are two such conditions.

While you may not be able to avoid hereditary oral health issues entirely, we can help minimize or even reverse their effects with proper treatment and care. If you suffer from any of these inherited conditions, contact our office for an oral health evaluation. We can help.

Berwyn IL Dentyist | 3 Ways to Fix a Chipped Tooth

Berwyn IL Dentyist | 3 Ways to Fix a Chipped Tooth

Chipping a tooth could be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to fix a chipped tooth. We will recommend a solution based on your particular needs. Here are three options we may provide you:

1.      Dental Bonding

Bonding is a quick and easy solution for most small, cosmetic chips. In the bonding process, the remaining enamel on the tooth is first roughened in order for composite to better adhere to the tooth’s surface. Composite is then shaped to replace the chip and hardened with a dental curing light, instantly solidifying the material. Typically, bonding can last up to ten years with proper care.

2.     Porcelain Veneers

If the tooth was fully cracked or there was significant damage to the tooth, veneers may be recommended. Also, if you have chipped a tooth several times or wish to repair the tooth’s color, getting veneers may be the best option.

A veneer uses porcelain material that covers the front surface of your teeth, giving them a natural look while also providing strength comparable to natural tooth enamel. In order to apply a veneer, a small amount of existing tooth structure is removed to make room around the affected area. Then, we will take an impression of the tooth to use in making the permanent veneer and place a temporary veneer.

Once the permanent, porcelain veneer arrives, the temporary veneer is removed and the area around the tooth is cleaned. We will then place the adhesive and set in the new veneer for exact fit. Finally, the veneer is light cured and you will have a natural, beautiful smile.

3.     Dental Crowns.

Dental crowns are a “cap” that covers your tooth. A crown restores a tooth back to its normal shape, size, and function. Crowns are best-suited when a large portion of the original tooth is missing, or when the tooth is significantly damaged, causing pain when chewing or drinking. They are an effective solution to repair the shape and look of your tooth quickly, preventing further damage from tooth decay or exposed nerves.

If you have a chipped tooth, contact us as soon as possible. We have a number of solutions to fix any oral health issues that arise from chipping or cracking a tooth. We will provide a customized plan for you based on your needs.

Berwyn IL Dentist | Don’t Miss Your Screening

Oral cancer does not discriminate. It affects those of all ages, genders and races. Smokers do develop oral cancers at higher rates than non-smokers. However, this does not absolve the rest of the population from being at risk, as well.

Berwyn IL Dentist | Don't Miss Your Screening

It’s incredibly important to keep to your recommended schedule of oral health examinations. By visiting your general dentist at least twice per year, it is much more likely that our dental team will be able to identify potentially cancerous lesions in the early stages. As you may know, the key to the survival of most forms of cancer is early detection. Oral cancers are treatable, especially if caught before displaying obvious signs. The best results occur when oral cancer is identified and treated during early stages.

If your general dentist identifies a lesion that appears to be irregular, he or she may refer you to our team. We’ll recommend the next steps. Once pathology has been identified, we can proceed with treatment if necessary.

We will complete a biopsy to confirm whether a lesion is cancerous. It is not possible to confirm an oral cancer diagnosis without a biopsy. For this reason, try to refrain from making assumptions until we have confirmed your diagnosis. If it’s been more than 6 months since your last appointment or if you have noticed a lesion, bump or irregular patch of skin that doesn’t heal within a few days, consider an oral cancer screening by your general dentist. Know that your dentist will provide you with advice and may refer you to our team for a closer look.

If you have considered skipping the recommended dental visits that provide your first line of defense against oral cancers, please reconsider. It could save your life. Contact us today to schedule your next visit.