The Future of Tooth Replacement: Innovative Techniques and Technologies

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about missing teeth? Do traditional dental implants seem too invasive or expensive? Well, the future of tooth replacement is looking bright with innovative techniques and technologies that are revolutionizing the industry. From 3D-printed dentures to stem cell regrowth, there are exciting developments on the horizon that will make achieving a perfect smile easier than ever before.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of these advancements and what they mean for the future of oral health. We will then discuss some of the newest techniques and technologies being used to create more realistic and durable results. So buckle up and get ready to learn about the cutting-edge technology changing how we think about tooth replacement!

Explanation of Different Tooth Replacement Options

There are many tooth replacement options available today, from traditional dentures and bridges to more modern implant-supported prosthetics. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consult with your dentist to determine which is best for you.

Dentures are the most common type of tooth replacement and have been used for centuries. They are a removable appliance that replaces all of the teeth in an arch (top or bottom). Dentures are made from a mold of your mouth and can be customized to match your natural teeth. They can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, acrylic, or metal.

Bridges are another type of tooth replacement that uses adjacent teeth for support. A bridge is basically a false tooth (or teeth) that is fused between two crowns. The crowns are then placed over the adjacent teeth and bonded in place. Bridges can be made from the same materials as dentures, but they are not removable.

Implants are the most permanent solution for tooth loss. An implant is a titanium screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the bone over time. Once the implant has healed, a abutment (a connector piece) is placed on top of it and a prosthetic tooth (crown) is attached to the abutment. Implants can be used to support either dentures or bridges.

What to Consider When Choosing a Tooth Replacement Technique

When choosing a tooth replacement technique, there are many factors to consider.

First, you need to decide whether you want a removable or fixed appliance. Removable appliances, like dentures, can be taken out and put back in by the patient, while fixed appliances are permanently cemented into place. There are also different materials that can be used for tooth replacements, including porcelain, ceramic, and composite resin. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to consult with your dentist to decide which one is right for you.

Finally, you’ll need to think about the cost of the procedure and whether your insurance will cover it. Tooth replacement techniques have come a long way in recent years, and there are now many options available to patients. With so many choices available, it’s important to take the time to consult with your dentist and make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Latest Technologies in Tooth Replacement

There are many new and innovative techniques and technologies being developed for tooth replacement. Some of the latest technologies include:

1. 3D Printing

This technology is being used to create custom dental implants that are a perfect fit for each patient. This helps to reduce implant failure and allows for a quicker and more seamless recovery.

2. Laser

Assisted Dentistry: This technology is being used to improve the accuracy of dental procedures, such as tooth extractions, root canals, and fillings. It can also be used to speed up the healing process after these procedures.

3. Digital Smile Design

This technology is being used to create custom dental veneers that are made to perfectly match each patient’s smile. This helps to ensure a natural-looking result that blends in with the rest of the teeth.


At Berwyn Dental Connection we’ve explored the exciting future of tooth replacement, from 3D printed teeth to biological engineering. With these new techniques and technologies, our options for replacing missing or damaged teeth are becoming increasingly diverse. We can now replace lost or damaged teeth with natural-looking alternatives that are more durable than ever before. And as technology advances even further in this field, we will continue to see even better solutions come into play for restoring smiles and improving oral health.

Book your tooth replacement appointment with our dentist in Berwyn today.

Know The Steps To Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction removes the third set of molars (known as wisdom teeth) and is usually performed between the ages of 17 and 25. Most individuals have at least one impacted wisdom tooth, which means it lacks adequate space to develop normally.

You can prevent them from harming the adjacent teeth and bones by going for wisdom teeth removal. It is important to note that not removing an impacted or infected wisdom tooth on time can be the reason for other severe problems. 

In this blog, we will discuss the ways to prepare for wisdom teeth extraction. So, why wait anymore? Go through the sections below to gather information related to this topic. 

Ways To Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

  • Discuss any worries you may have with your dentist before the process. They can advise you on what to do in the days leading up to surgery and how to prepare for recovery. Additionally, they can discuss the sort of anesthesia that will be used and how you’ll feel following the procedure.
  • The degree of impaction and the number of teeth being removed will affect the cost of removing the wisdom teeth. Check with your dentist to find out the benefits offered by your insurance provider.
  • Buying some soft or liquid-based food items that are simple to eat after surgery will help you prepare for recovery. Smoothies, applesauce, oats, yogurt, and other simple meals may feel easy to eat.
  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing for the treatment procedure. You can also wear a shirt with short sleeves or one that allows you to easily roll the sleeves up in case you receive an intravenous anesthetic. 
  • Be careful to follow your dentist’s instructions when it comes to drinking or eating before the wisdom teeth removal. The instructions might vary based on the type of sedative used. You won’t be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the surgery if you receive an intravenous anesthetic to ensure your stomach is empty.
  • Bring your dental insurance card as well as any required documents. Your dentist will advise you to arrange for someone to drive you home as you’ll be sleepy after anesthesia once the procedure is completed. 

What To Do After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

  • The nitrous oxide gas or IV drip will be stopped once the treatment is over, and you’ll be brought slowly out of sedation.
  • The dentist will give you gauze to bite down on to help the blood clot in the area. You might have moderate post-operative anesthetic side effects like nausea, dizziness, and shivering right away.
  • You’ll be sent to a recovery room, where you’ll be kept under observation. An “all-clear’ will be given by the dental professional to return home if he/she feels that you are stable and breathing correctly. You might have to stay in the recovery room for less than an hour.
  • You’ll feel drowsy and swollen after surgery. Even if you do not experience much pain right away, it will likely get worse as the local anesthetic wears off in the hours following surgery.

Contact Berwyn Dental Connection if you are looking for effective and safe teeth extraction treatment in Berwyn, IL. Our team of dentists and other dental professionals make sure to provide customized treatment plans that perfectly suit a patient’s requirements. Give us a call today!

Symptoms You Can Experience After Wisdom Teeth Removal

It’s important to know what to expect after any surgery to know what to expect and what to be concerned about.The following is a list of important things that might happen after surgery during your wisdom teeth recovery. If you have any questions about what symptoms you’re likely to have, how to prepare for post-operative symptoms, or what symptoms you’re experiencing now, don’t hesitate to contact Berwyn Dental Connection in Berwyn,IL for the best wisdom teeth removal treatment.

Symptoms Post Wisdom Teeth Removal

1. Bleeding

Bleeding is very common after you have your wisdom teeth removed. However, a blood clot must form quickly to start the healing process right away.You should bite down on a wet gauze pad to stop the bleeding if it gets too much. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 30 minutes, wet a tea bag with cold water and bite down for another half hour. This will help stop the bleeding.

Bleeding can be reduced by sitting upright, not exercising, and not moving near the extraction area. After surgery, a small amount of blood will come out on and off for a few days. But it would be best if you tried to stop this as much as possible.

2. Swelling

The mouth, cheeks, and eyes should swell up. It usually shows up the next day after surgery, and it usually peaks on the second or third day after the surgery.

You can cut down on swelling by first using ice. For the first 24 hours after you get home, put ice on the parts of your face that aren’t in the surgery area. Apply it for 20 minutes at a time and take it off for 10 minutes with something like a soft cloth in between. It’s best not to put the pack right on your face because the cold can hurt your skin.A day and a half after your surgery, you’ll want to start applying a warm, wet cloth to the swollen parts.

3. Pain

The pain will start the same day as your surgery (as soon as the anesthetic begins to subside). The severity and how long it lasts will depend on the person. Take your pain medicine as it has been told you to.

4. Sore throat and trouble swallowing

After some time at home, you may start to feel pain when you swallow and have a sore throat. A lot of people do this. However, it’s not typical to have difficulty breathing.

5. Stiff jaw or a hard time opening your jaw

A stiff jaw is normal when you have surgery on your wisdom teeth. This symptom will also make it hard to open your mouth wide. Warm, moist heat can help loosen your muscles a little, but this symptom will go away over time.

6. Discoloration

You may see your skin turn a different color outside the extraction site. In this area, your skin color may change between two and three days after surgery. Don’t be alarmed.

7. Fever

Please call our office if you have a slight fever the day after surgery. It’s sometimes good to take over-the-counter medicine, but you should check with us first.

8. Lightheadedness

A few days following surgery, take it easy.After all, you did have surgery. As you’ll be lying down a lot while you’re healing, you’ll want to be extra careful when you get up and move around. Moving too quickly can make you feel dizzy.

In the beginning of your recovery, you may have light headedness because you’re taking medication or eating less food.

9. Numbness

Temporary numbness of your lips, chin, or tongue isn’t always bad. Make sure you don’t bite your lip or tongue if you can’t feel them.

10. Nausea

If you have nausea or vomiting after the procedure, don’t eat, drink, or take any medicine for at least an hour. After this, have tea or a soda, like ginger ale. After nausea has gone away, you can take your prescribed medicine.

11. Sutures

Often, stitches are used to help the places where you had your teeth pulled heal faster—the ones we use to break down on their own. The speed at which they do so depends on the person. It can be a few days to a little over a week. If they fall apart before they can dissolve, don’t be afraid. Remove the suture from your mouth and throw it away.

12. Drenched lips

Many people have dry, cracked lips because their mouths are full of gauze. Take care of your lips by using lip balm.

13. Dry Socket

Remember how we talked about how important blood clots are in the healing process? This is the same thing. It happens when a blood clot is broken up or dissolves, exposing the bone and nerves below. There is a good chance it will happen two to three days after the surgery. You’ll know you have one because you’ll have a lot of pain near the surgical site that your pain medicine doesn’t help with. Even your ear may hurt.

The good news is that only about 2 to 5 percent of people have this happen to them. The even better news is that it can be fixed. 

14. Holes where your teeth were

Soon, you’ll see a hole where each tooth was removed. The next month or two will see this area grow new tissue. Take care of this area and know that it will grow over time.

Contact our Berwyn Dentist if you are having post wisdom teeth removal complications.


Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that removes one or more wisdom teeth, which are the four permanent adult teeth located in the upper and lower rear corners of your mouth. If a wisdom tooth is unable to grow due to discomfort, infection, or other dental issues, it will most likely need to be pulled. A dentist or an oral surgeon can do a wisdom tooth extraction. Even if impacted teeth aren’t currently causing problems, some dentists and oral surgeons suggest wisdom tooth extraction to avoid potential future complications. Learn more about the cost of wisdom teeth removal.

What Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

Wisdom tooth removal surgery is often performed as an outpatient treatment by a dentist or oral surgeon. A dentist will recommend this procedure if an examination and X-rays reveal that your wisdom teeth are impacted or may give you dental difficulties in the future. The surgeon will cut the gums and extract the tooth, either whole or in parts. You will be sedated, maybe with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or intravenous (IV) sedation. Your surgeon will choose the best sedative for you based on your degree of comfort as well as the difficulty and quantity of extractions required. We should also be clear about what to expect from a wisdom teeth extraction before proceeding with the procedure.

Reasons For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last permanent teeth that emerge in the mouth. Between the ages of 17 and 25, these teeth normally develop. Some people never develop wisdom teeth. Others have wisdom teeth that erupt naturally, exactly like their other molars and create no complications. Many people have impacted wisdom teeth, which are teeth that do not have enough room to erupt or develop appropriately. Wisdom teeth that are impacted may erupt only partially or not at all. An impacted wisdom tooth can cause:

  • Grow at an angle in the direction of the next tooth (second molar)
  • Grow at an angle toward the back of the mouth
  • Grow straight up or down like normal teeth, but remain locked within the jawbone.
  • Wisdom teeth develop at a right angle to the other teeth, as though the wisdom tooth is “lying down” within the jawbone.

Problems with impacted wisdom teeth

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, you will most likely require it extracted if it causes complications such as:

  • Pain
  • Damage to a neighboring tooth or bone
  • Food and debris have become entrapped behind the wisdom tooth
  • Complications with other teeth-straightening orthodontic treatments
  • Infection or gum disease (periodontal disease)
  • Tooth decay in a partially erupted wisdom tooth
  • The development of a fluid-filled sac (cyst) surrounding the wisdom tooth

Preventing future dental problems

Dental experts disagree on the value of extracting impacted wisdom teeth that aren’t causing difficulties. Future complications with impacted wisdom teeth are difficult to predict. However, here’s why preventative extraction is a good idea:

  • Even if you don’t have any symptoms, your wisdom teeth could be infected.
  • When there isn’t enough space for the tooth to emerge, it can be difficult to reach it and properly clean it.
  • Serious issues with wisdom teeth are less common in younger persons.
  • Surgery can be challenging for older people, and complications might occur following surgery.

We hope this blog has provided you with all of the information you need about wisdom teeth extraction. If you are looking for the best wisdom teeth extraction treatment in Berwyn, IL, contact us at Berwyn Dental Connection. Schedule your appointment today.

What to do when a tooth is knocked out?

Tooth getting knocked out is one of the most common dental problems faced by people all across the world. It can happen to people belonging to any age groups. But, you need to know that a knocked-out tooth can be re-planted successfully with the help of proper emergency actions.

As you might have figured out from the title, in this blog we are going to discuss the steps to be executed in case a tooth gets knocked out. So, do not hesitate to go through the sections below in order to draw an end to all questions related to this topic.

Tips to save a Knocked-out tooth

Gathering knowledge about what to do if a tooth falls out can save you from the trouble of teeth loss.

  • Always pick the tooth by the crown – You need to locate the tooth immediately and do not leave it on the floor. You must keep your calm and try to think with a straight mind. Make sure to not touch the root portion of the tooth while picking it up. Hold the crown or the chewing surface.

  • Rinse the tooth with water if it is dirty – The tooth should be rinsed with plain water if it is dirty. You should never use chemicals or soap for rinsing purposes. Also, do not scrub or dry the tooth or wrap it with a tissue.

  • Reinsert the tooth in the socket – Try to reinsert the tooth back into the socket as early as you can. Hold the crown and gently push the tooth or put it above the socket and close your mouth. You to use your fingers to keep the tooth in position and bite down gently.

  • The tooth should remain moist – It is necessary for the tooth to remain wet or moist all the time. This is applicable for all situations – if the tooth is inside your mouth or outside. There are times when people cannot re-insert the tooth back into the socket. You should then put the tooth in a cup and fill it with milk.

  • Contact a dentist as early as possible – The next step is to consult your emergency. It is advisable to reach a dental clinic within 30 minutes of the incident. Though, experts say that a tooth can be saved even if it has been outside the mouth for 60 minutes. Looking for an emergency dentist is not a tough nut to crack anymore. You can search for the “best emergency dentists nearby” on the internet and get a list of options to choose from. 

Going through this blog must have been helpful in letting you know about what to do with a knocked-out tooth. Berwyn Dental Connection will definitely try to come up with blog posts covering such topics in the future days. 

You can also get in touch with Berwyn Dental Connection for the best dental treatments in Berwyn, IL. Our team of trained professionals and dentists are here to serve you with top-quality dental care. Book your appointment today to know more.

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Extraction of wisdom teeth is a pretty common issue when it comes to modern dentistry. But there are people who remain confused about the entire procedure and the cost of getting it done. Are you one among them? If yes, then there is nothing to worry about. Being the service provider in the line of dentistry for a notable span of time, we have often come across questions i.e why should one get dental bridges for a missing tooth? Or what is the cost for tooth extraction? Keeping all such things in mind, Berwyn Dental Connection has come up with this covering all the information related to cost of wisdom teeth removal. 

But before discussing it, there are certain other things which you should be aware of. Firstly, let us talk about wisdom teeth. The third molar teeth which are present at the end of each quadrant of the dentition are known to be wisdom teeth. They are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth of an individual. It generally happens in the late teens or early twenties. It is to be noted that not every person has a wisdom tooth. Some of them are devoid of any whereas some people have four wisdom teeth in their mouth. 

You might be thinking about what causes the need for removal of wisdom teeth? Well, there is no need to remove your wisdom teeth if they are not causing any problem. But, in case of a few conditions, removal of the teeth becomes a must. These circumstances are being provided to you in the pointers below:

    • Crowding – In crowding is caused due to the presence of the other teeth, the wisdom tooth should be extracted. Otherwise, it can cause harm to the adjacent teeth. Misaligned wisdom teeth if erupts in the wrong angle can cause problems for other teeth.
    • Jaw DamageDamage can be caused to your nerves making the jaw hollow. 
    • Problems in GumsEruption of wisdom teeth can also cause problems in cleaning the area which can in turn lead to swelling of the tissue.
    • Sinus IssueWisdom teeth can also be the reason for congestion and sinus pain.
    • Gaps in GumsThe swollen gums can create pockets which contribute to the tooth decay.

There are certain symptoms which if you experience, do not wait for a minute to go and see a dentist. The symptoms are:

    • Tremendous pain behind the molars which slowly increases with time
    • Swelling, redness and tenderness which can further lead to serious infection
    • Bad breath and foul taste
    • Stiffness and pain in the jaw

Consulting a dentist will help you to shed any further hesitation and also clear any doubts such as how much time is required to recover from a wisdom tooth surgery. Following a few tips and easen the process of recovery post surgery.

    • Choose to not rinse the area for a few days
    • In case of discomfort, take the prescribed medicines
    • If you feel the bleeding is more than expected, visit your dentist
    • Swelling is common for a few days to come. Though you can apply an ice pack to avoid excessive swelling.
    • Try to be on liquid diet for a few days
    • Do not skip brushing your teeth at least twice a day but be gentle while rinsing.

Now that you have an idea about wisdom teeth extraction, we are going to let you know about the cost of getting it done. The price to be paid generally varies depending on a few factors such as location of the clinic, the money charged by the dentists, complexity of the surgery etc. But on an average, you will have to pay somewhere around $75 – $200. The cost can go up if you have an impacted tooth. You will then have to pay between $225 – $700 per tooth. Most of the dental insurance plans cover extraction of wisdom teeth, hence you should not worry about the cost.

We hope that the blog has been of help to provide you with information related to wisdom teeth removal and its cost. If you are looking for a dental clinic providing excellent wisdom teeth removal service in or around Stanley Ave, Berwyn, IL, contact Berwyn Dental Solutions, We offer a wide array of dental services at an economical cost.