
If you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, which makes you look aged. Here’s how dentures come into play! A denture is a removable appliance which is a replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. It is a part of Restorative Dentistry. If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, be it from gum issues, tooth decay or injury, replacing missing teeth will restore your smile and your overall health. Dentures are designed to closely resemble your natural teeth so there should be only a tiny noticeable change in appearance and also make it easier to eat and speak better than you could without teeth.

Types of dentures:

There are two kinds of dentures available – complete and partial dentures.

  • Complete dentures can be “conventional” or “immediate.

Conventional: This full removable denture is made and placed in your mouth after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has started to heal. This might take a few months.

 Immediate: This denture is made in advance and inserted on the same day, the teeth are removed. And therefore, you don’t have to be without your teeth during the healing period.

  • Partial Denture: A removable partial denture or bridge normally consists of replacement teeth connected to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is at times linked by a metal framework that holds the denture in position in the mouth. These are used when one or more natural teeth exist in the upper or lower jaw.

Who Is A Candidate For Dentures?

People with significant tooth loss are candidates for getting dentures. False teeth do not depend on age, but on the person’s teeth condition and requirement. It is also vital for a patient to have proper jawbone structure and strong gum tissue remaining. This is because false teeth require an ample amount of support from natural tissue to stay in position for a longer duration of time.

How Will Your Dentist Treat You In Berwyn, IL?

The denture designing process takes a couple of weeks and many appointments. Once your Dentist in Berwyn IL, decides what kind of appliance is perfect for you, he/ she will make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements. Then your dentist will create models, wax forms, and/or plastic patterns in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You will have to “try in” this model many times and the denture will be examined for color, shape, and fit before the final denture is designed. Follow-up appointments will be made whenever adjustments are necessary.

Like your natural teeth, take proper care of your dentures by following good oral habits.