Significance of Professional Teeth Cleaning Procedures

Dental cleanings are an important element of your preventative dental care routine. Cleanings are performed by qualified and registered dental hygienists who are completely trained and proficient in removing tartar, plaque, and stains that you would be unable to remove on your own. Unfortunately, many people skip their bi-annual dental cleaning. They believe it is unnecessary because they brush their teeth regularly. Dentists, on the other hand, recommend that you should have your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year.

What to Expect During Professional Cleaning Services

Knowing exactly what is going on during the process can help reduce stress and let you fully appreciate the excellent outcomes. This procedure consists of several steps. Your hygienist will carefully examine the state of your teeth and gums before scraping or scaling your teeth to remove all plaque. Following that, they will carefully polish your teeth, resulting in smoother surfaces that make bacteria less likely to stick to your teeth. Because polishing your teeth removes surface stains, this can be a really pleasant procedure. Following that, your teeth should be a little brighter and you should have great fresh breath. You can get an oral cancer screening as part of your hygiene checkup, which is a short and non-invasive inspection of the interior of your mouth. This is merely a visual examination to ensure that your cheeks, lips, tongue, and the roof and floor of your mouth are healthy and free of color changes, unexplained tender areas or lumps, and bumps. After your teeth have been cleaned and your examination has been completed, your hygienist will discuss your dental care regimen with you. Your hygienist can assist you if you have been missing out on particular regions of your mouth when brushing and flossing, or if you are having difficulty brushing and flossing.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Your Professional Dental Cleanings?

Cleanings regularly can assist detect problems before they worsen, as well as prevent certain problems from happening in the first place. Discover why you should select professional teeth cleaning procedures from your Berwyn, IL dentist. Some of the consequences of failing to schedule regular dental cleanings include:


Cavities and tooth decay can develop beneath built-up tartar and plaque, which is nearly impossible to remove on your own. Tooth decay can also occur between teeth, making it difficult to maintain cleanliness at home and necessitating treatment at a dental facility.

Gum Disease

When plaque and tartar irritate the gum line, gum disease develops. The gum line becomes inflamed, and small pockets form around the teeth, allowing additional germs, food, and plaque to enter and inflame the gums further. Gum disease develops as a result, which can result in tooth and bone loss. Patients can avoid gum disease with a professional tooth cleaning treatment.

Bad Breath

Bacteria are responsible for the white hardened plaque, brown tartar, and tooth stains, all of which are nearly impossible to eliminate on your own. This can result in the bad breath that no amount of mints or gum will be able to suppress. Certain dental stains can only be removed with specialized tools that your hygienist is trained to use. If you’ve tried at-home whitening procedures and still have stains, you’ll need professional cleaning to get rid of them.

Risk of Oral Cancer

Dental cleanings also look for irregularities, which might be symptoms of oral cancer and usually go undiagnosed in the early stages. As a result, having routine dental cleanings can keep you up to date on any early signs of cancer, allowing you to begin treatment as soon as possible.

We hope this blog has provided you with a better understanding of the significance of professional dental cleaning services. Are you looking for the best dental cleaning in Berwyn, IL? Schedule an appointment with Berwyn Dental Connection to take advantage of our top-level treatments.