pediatric dentist in berwyn

When it comes to a child’s oral health, pediatric dentists are the experts. They have specialized training in pediatric and adolescent dentistry, making them well-equipped to take care of your child’s teeth from the moment those first baby teeth start coming in until adulthood. However, at some point, your child will need to switch from pediatric dentist to general dentist. This can be a daunting process and many parents wonder, “At what age should my child switch from pediatric dentist to general dentist?


Deciding when it’s the right time for your child to make the transition from pediatric dentistry to adult dentistry is an important decision. While the pediatric dentist has been caring for your child since their baby teeth started coming in, there comes a time when pediatric dentistry is no longer appropriate. The first permanent adult molars usually erupt between ages 6 and 7 and this is typically when it’s recommended to switch from pediatric dentist to general dentist.

How Old Should My Child Be?

The American Academy of pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children make the transition to a general dentist once they turn 7. The pediatric dentist will be able to guide and advise parents on when it’s time for their child to switch, as every child develops differently. After age seven, it is typically safe to make the switch from pediatric to general dentist.

What Changes Are Made When Switching Dentists?

When your child starts seeing an adult dentist, there will be some differences in the type of care they receive. While pediatric dentists have specialized training and experience in pediatric dentistry, a general dentist may not possess this same level of experience. However, pediatric dentists and adult dentists both provide comprehensive dental care for their patients and can diagnose, treat, and manage any oral health issues that may arise.

What Is the Difference Between Pediatric Dentistry and General Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry focuses on preventing and treating pediatric dental diseases. Whereas general dentistry typically treats and manages the same diseases, they also focus on cosmetic dentistry such as teeth whitening, dental implants, crowns, veneers, bridges and Invisalign. Pediatric dentists are also more accustomed to working with pediatric patients who may require behavior management techniques in order to ensure a successful treatment experience.

What Is the Benefit of Having a Pediatric Dentist?

The pediatric dentist is well-equipped to take care of your child’s oral health from the time those first baby teeth start coming in until adulthood. They are trained to both prevent dental disease through preventive treatments such as fluoride varnish applications, sealants and preventive restorations, as well as diagnose and treat pediatric dental diseases such as pediatric caries.

What Should I Look for in an General Dentist?

When selecting a new adult dentist for your child, it’s important to make sure they are experienced in pediatric dentistry. Ask questions about the dentist’s pediatric experience and make sure that they have pediatric patients on their roster. Additionally, it’s important to look for a dentist who is warm and friendly, as children can be apprehensive about visiting a new dental office.


Making the transition from pediatric dentist to adult dentist is an important step in ensuring your child’s healthy teeth and gums. It’s generally recommended that children make the switch at age seven, but pediatric dentists can provide guidance on when it’s time for your child to move from pediatric dentist to general dentist.


1. What is the difference between pediatric dentistry and general dentistry?

Answer: pediatric dentistry focuses on preventing and treating pediatric dental diseases, whereas adult dentistry typically treats and manages the same diseases but also focuses on cosmetic dentistry such as teeth whitening, dental implants, crowns, veneers, bridges and Invisalign.

2. When should my child switch from pediatric dentist to general dentist?

Answer: The American Academy of pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children make the transition to a general dentist once they turn 7.

3. What should I look for in an adult dentist?

Answer: When selecting a new adult dentist for your child, it’s important to make sure they are experienced in pediatric dentistry. Ask questions about the dentist’s pediatric experience and make sure that they have pediatric patients on their roster. Additionally, it’s important to look for a dentist who is warm and friendly, as children can be apprehensive about visiting a new dental office.