When Should You Get Dental Bridges for Missing Teeth?


By Berwyn Dental Connection

Most dental procedures have two objectives – to improve oral health and to enhance the appearance of the teeth. Treatments that are aimed at protecting decayed teeth or replacing missing teeth generally cover both these aspects. Common treatments for this include dental crowns, dental veneers, implants and dental bridges. Dental bridges in Berwyn, IL are a popular choice for replacing missing teeth. They are one of the most common methods for improving the appearance of a smile. If you are wondering whether a dental bridge is the right choice for you, here are some instances where a dental bridge is suitable:

1. If you need to get rid of decayed teeth– If your teeth are decayed beyond the point that filings, crowns or veneers cannot fix it, you will need to get an extraction. If the teeth you need extracted are adjacent to each other, replacing them with a dental bridge will be a suitable option. As bridges are not prone to decay, they last for a long time. This is why they eliminate health risk and prevent decay.

2. If you want to fill the gaps created by missing teeth –No matter what the reason for missing teeth, no one wants to live with a gap in their smile. If you are looking to fill a gap, dental bridges in Berwyn, IL are definitely worth considering. A dental bridge is a quick solution that gives practical yet attractive results. There are various designs available for dental bridges. Talking to a restorative dentist near you about the different options will help you select the best one for yourself.

3. If you have lost confidence in your smile –A gap in your smile can immediately make you feel conscious and lose your confidence in your smile. But do you really want to go through your life hesitating to smile? A simple dental bridge procedure can fix the gaps in your smile. In fact, a dental bridge will enhance the appearance of your smile. It will fix the discolorations and unusual shape of your teeth and make them appear healthy. The best part is that the appearance of the dental bridges matches your teeth, giving you a natural-looking smile.

4. If you want to chew without pain –Missing teeth can make it really difficult to chew food. If you do not fill the gaps, you may have to spend the rest of your life chewing from one side of your mouth. Dental bridges fill in the gaps and provide the stability required to chew food easily and effectively. However, you should remember that the precautions that apply to normal teeth for chewing apply to dental bridges too.

5. If you wish to speak clearly –If two or three teeth are removed in a row, it can leave a significant gap. This gap can impact one’s ability to speak. Teeth create a barrier around the tongue that helps you enunciate certain words. However, if the teeth are not there, it will take more effort to pronounce these words. When your bridge is placed, you can experience the ease of speaking yourself.

6. If you are looking for a quick and affordable option – Apart from dental bridges, dental implants are also a popular choice for replacing missing teeth. However, the time and effort involved with individual dental implants is much more than dental bridges. They are also more affordable as compared to dental implants.

7. If you want to prevent shifting of teeth –Your teeth begin to shift if you do not fill the gaps in your teeth. When teeth shift, you are not only left with large gaps but also with crooked teeth. This will make it difficult to chew and also affect your smile. Dental bridges help in preventing this and even close the gaps between teeth.

If you want to achieve any of the above things, dental bridges in Berwyn, IL will be a good choice for you. Don’t let a gap in your smile make life harder for you. Talk to a dentist near you about your options and fix the gap today.


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