Teeth Whitening

Tired of your discolored teeth? The natural shine of our teeth begins to fade over time due to our diet and lifestyle. However, modern technological innovations in the field of dentistry have made it possible to get back our original tooth color. You can use ready-to-use teeth whitening kits or go for a professional teeth whitening service. Our dentists at Berwyn Dental Connection have answered all your teeth whitening-related queries in this blog!

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Before we get into the other sections, let’s take a look at how teeth whitening works. Teeth whitening is a simple procedure that your Berwyn dentist performs every other day. The bleach in the whitening product dissolves the stains. They appear to be smaller than before. The dark patches fade away, and your teeth return to their natural color. It is best to go for professional teeth whitening service for the best results.

Teeth Whitening Mistakes To Avoid

Most people make some of these mistakes, which can be harmful and render the bleaching process ineffective. Avoid these mistakes for long-term success.

Not Discussing With Your Dentist

You should also consult with your dentist about your preferred method of teeth whitening. You have several options on the market from which to choose. Before making a decision, it is critical to consult with your dentist. Professional teeth whitening procedures are recommended. You could, however, use whitening toothpaste and other whitening kits. However, they might not be safe for you and they might not be suited to your oral health condition. Hence you must discuss with your Berwyn dentist before bleaching your teeth.

Not Following The Instructions On The Package

One of the most common teeth-whitening mistakes is failing to follow the directions on the package. Each bleaching kit comes with detailed instructions that you must follow in order to avoid any negative effects. The instructions specify how long you should leave these gels and whitening strips on your teeth. Most completely overlook them and leave them for longer periods of time in the hope of achieving a brighter smile. Since these products contain peroxides, doing so can result in a variety of dental problems. Leaving them for a longer period of time may irritate your gum tissues and result in a blotchy appearance. You can also visit your dentist in Berwyn to avoid these complications altogether.

Using Whitening Toothpaste Regularly

Most people prefer to use whitening toothpaste and over-the-counter kits and trays because they allow you to complete the procedure in the privacy of your own home. However, some people use these special toothpaste in the same way they do their regular ones. They use it on a daily basis. This can be extremely damaging to your mouth and lead to other dental issues. These specialized toothpaste contain abrasive ingredients that may erode your enamel. This may expose your dentin and result in severe gum recession.

Eating Acidic Fruits

Consuming acidic fruits right after your teeth whitening is a huge no-no! Fruits such as lemons, oranges, and limes can trigger an entire process of enamel erosion. This could ultimately expose your dentin and also your pulp. It could lead to other dental issues in the future. You consult your Berwyn dentist if you need more information.

Not Following After-Care Instructions

Despite the detailed after-care instructions, most people return to their original eating and drinking habits once the bleaching process is completed. There will be no visible results if you do not take proper care of your smile. Thus, you must avoid certain beverages such as red wine, coffee, and tea for at least a few days after your teeth whitening procedure. The same is true for fizzy drinks and sugary beverages. It is recommended that smokers avoid smoking for at least twenty-four hours after the procedure.  You must also avoid drinking alcohol. Consult your dentist in Berwyn for more after-care instructions.

We hope this blog has helped you in understanding teeth whitening mistakes. Get in touch with us at Berwyn Dental Connection if you are looking for the best teeth whitening procedure in Berwyn, IL.