Reliable Dentist In Berwyn Offering Advanced Dental Cleaning Services

Taking care of your oral health goes beyond just brushing and flossing. Regular dental cleanings are crucial for preventing gum disease and maintaining a healthy smile. But sometimes, more than a standard cleaning is needed. That’s where advanced teeth cleaning comes in.

This blog post from your friendly dentist in Berwyn IL will delve into advanced dental cleaning, its benefits, and how it can significantly improve your oral health.

What is Advanced Dental Cleaning?

Unlike a regular cleaning that focuses on removing plaque and tartar buildup above the gum line, advanced teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, tackles deeper issues. Here’s how it works:

Scaling: Using specialized instruments, a dentist in Berwyn removes hardened plaque and tartar (calculus) from below the gum line (pockets) where regular brushing can’t reach.

Root Planing: This process smoothens rough surfaces on tooth roots, making it harder for plaque to adhere in the future.

Signs You Might Need an Advanced Cleaning From Your Dentist Berwyn 

Here are some indicators that you might benefit from an advanced cleaning:

Bleeding gums: This is a common sign of gum inflammation, a precursor to gum disease.

Receding gums: Gums pulling away from the teeth expose the root surface, increasing sensitivity and risk of infection.

Persistent bad breath: Regular brushing and flossing don’t eliminate the odor.

Loose teeth: Advanced gum disease can loosen teeth due to bone loss.

Benefits of Advanced Dental Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning

While regular cleanings are essential for preventive care, advanced cleaning offers additional benefits:

Combats gum disease: It removes bacteria deep below the gum line, preventing the progression of gum disease.

Improves oral health: By removing plaque and tartar buildup, it reduces inflammation and promotes gum health.

Freshens breath: Eliminating bacteria that cause bad breath leads to a fresher mouth.

Prevents tooth loss: Combating gum disease preserves the bone supporting your teeth, preventing tooth loss.

The Process of Advanced Cleaning at Our Berwyn Dental Practice

Here’s what you can expect during an advanced cleaning at your Berwyn dentist appointment:

Consultation and Examination: The dentist will discuss your concerns and examine your gums for signs of gum disease.

Local Anesthetic: A topical anesthetic may be applied to numb the area for a more comfortable experience.

Scaling and Root Planing: Using specialized tools, the dentist removes plaque and tartar buildup and smoothens tooth root surfaces.

Antibiotics (Optional): In severe cases of gum disease, antibiotics might be prescribed to combat infection.

Review and Aftercare Instructions: The dentist will discuss next steps and provide instructions on maintaining oral hygiene after the procedure.

How Often Should I Get Advanced Dental Cleanings from My Dentist Berwyn?

The frequency of advanced cleanings depends on your gum health.  Your dentist Berwyn will recommend a schedule based on the severity of your gum disease. Generally, patients with mild to moderate gum disease might require them every 3-6 months, while those with severe gum disease might need them more frequently.

Advanced Cleaning vs. Periodontal Treatment: What’s the Difference?

Advanced Cleaning (Scaling and Root Planning): 

This is a deep cleaning procedure used for preventative measures or to treat mild to moderate gum disease.  Also known as prophylaxis (prophy) for deep cleaning, it removes plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line and smooths tooth root surfaces to prevent future bacterial attachment.  Think of it as a more intensive version of regular cleaning, reaching deeper to halt the progression of gum disease in its early stages.

Periodontal Treatment:

This encompasses a wider range of procedures used to treat advanced gum disease (periodontitis).  When gum disease progresses, it can lead to bone loss around the teeth. Periodontal treatment aims to:

  • Control infection: This might involve scaling and root planing, along with antibiotic therapy to combat severe bacterial growth.
  • Remove inflamed tissue: In some cases, removing a small amount of infected gum tissue might be necessary to improve access for cleaning and promote healing.
  • Regenerate bone loss (if possible): For moderate bone loss, specialized procedures can encourage new bone growth to support the teeth.
  • Gum surgery: In severe cases with significant bone loss, gum surgery might be needed to reshape gum tissue, improve access for cleaning, and potentially cover exposed tooth roots.

Your dentist Berwyn will determine the most appropriate treatment based on your individual needs.

Will Advanced Dental Cleaning Hurt?

While some discomfort is possible during the procedure, your trusted dentist in Berwyn IL will strive to make the experience as comfortable as possible using local anesthesia and gentle techniques.

You might experience some tenderness following the procedure, but this usually subsides within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any discomfort.

Maintaining Healthy Teeth & Gums After Your Advanced Cleaning

Following your advanced dental cleaning in Berwyn IL, practicing good oral hygiene habits is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and gums:

  • Brushing: Brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing: Flossing daily to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet: Limiting sugary foods and drinks helps prevent plaque buildup.
  • Regular Checkups: Scheduling regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist Berwyn for ongoing monitoring and preventive care.

By prioritizing good oral hygiene and visiting your Berwyn dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, you can ensure a healthy smile for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns about advanced cleanings or your gum health, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your friendly dentist in Berwyn.

What are dental veneers and what are their advantages?

Do you want to have a dazzling and confident smile? Then veneers can be a wonderful solution for you! Porcelain veneers are sometimes known as ‘dental veneers’ or ‘dental porcelain laminates.’ They are simply wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored components that bond flawlessly and improve your appearance. Veneers are bonded to the front surface of your teeth to disguise any damage and provide an instant smile alteration. They also aid in changing the length, shape, color, or size of your teeth. It also looks just like your natural dental enamel.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are custom-made parts used to cover or treat dental issues such as:

  • Stains and discoloration
  • Chips and little missing pieces
  • Decay
  • Crookedness
  • Gaps between teeth

Dental veneers are used to improve the appearance of a person’s teeth. They may be effective for people looking for a long-term solution to persistent cosmetic difficulties, especially if earlier dental treatments such as teeth whitening, braces, or retainers have not worked. Learn how to restore your beautiful smile with dental veneers.

Types of Veneers

Porcelain and resin-based composite veneers are the two types of veneers.

  • Porcelain veneers are a strong, thin cap that a dentist can place on the tops and sides of teeth. Before connecting the teeth, the dentist will remove a portion of the enamel. Porcelain veneers are the same color as natural teeth but can be whitened to improve the smile.


  • Resin-based composite veneers resemble porcelain veneers in appearance and function, but they are less expensive and require less enamel removal. In other circumstances, a dentist may not need to remove any enamel before putting the composite veneer. If a composite veneer becomes chipped or damaged, it must be replaced.

The Benefits of Veneers

You may be a candidate for dental veneers if you need to repair minor cosmetic damage to teeth that show when you smile or speak. For example, if you have chipped teeth, your dentist may offer dental veneers. Learn all you need to know before having dental veneers.

  • Veneers, unlike real teeth, do not fade or get yellow over time. Teeth whitening can improve your smile, but it must be done every few years. Your teeth naturally get yellow and discolored as a result of the meals and drinks you consume. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, will remain as beautiful and white as the day you received them.
  • Almost any shade, shape, or contour can be matched. We can produce porcelain veneers for you regardless of the size or form of your teeth because each veneer is custom-made for each patient. What’s more, your dental routine will remain unchanged. Brushing and flossing your teeth can be done as usual.
  • Veneers allow you to skip orthodontic treatment (braces). Because dental veneers cover the front half of your teeth, they can conceal chipping, stains, and other flaws. We also remove a little portion of your tooth enamel, allowing you to conceal misaligned teeth that might otherwise require orthodontic treatment.
  • You can have a gorgeous smile in just two appointment visits! If you tried to achieve the same smile differently, it would take 18-24 months of wearing braces as well as teeth-whitening treatments.
  • Veneers can instantly improve your appearance. According to numerous studies, your smile is one of the first facial features that others notice. More studies demonstrate that having a more attractive, straight smile might help you advance professionally and perhaps land you a job above the competition. Those with a straight, more beautiful smile are thought to be more successful, joyful, healthy, and trustworthy.

We hope you found this blog useful in understanding more about veneers. If you’re seeking the best cosmetic dentistry service in Berwyn, IL, contact our dentists at Berwyn Dental Connection.

How You Can Keep Your Gum Healthy?

Periodontal disease is an extremely common disease and can have a detrimental impact on your oral health If left untreated gum disease can ultimately lead to tooth loss. It might make you susceptible to harmful infection and decline your overall health. Be extremely wary and try to prevent gum disease at all costs! Our dentists at Berwyn Dental Connection have come up with the best tips to prevent the onset of gum diseases and keep your gums happy.

What is Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection of your gum tissues that advances in several stages. In the earlier stages, the disease is manageable and can also be reversed. Early diagnosis of the signs of gum disease in the early stages can help to prevent it and prohibit it from causing extensive damage to your oral hygiene. Sit tight while we take you through strategies to prevent this dental issue. 

Tips For Healthy Gums

Your favorite dentist in Berwyn has given below certain tips that can help you to keep your gums healthy. Let us take a look at them.

Healthy Habits

Regular brushing and flossing are an important part of your oral care routine. Simply brushing your teeth twice a day can help you to remove that plaque buildup which could be a precursor to gingivitis. Use a brush with soft bristles and replace it every three months as soon as the bristles wear away. Do not skip flossing and be gentle with your flossing filament. Floss helps to get rid of the food remnants stuck between your teeth and keeps them squeaky clean. Brush your tongue as well to avoid bacteria breeding and reduce the chances of infection. You can consult your dentist in Berwyn if you are unsure about the correct brushing and flossing technique.

Incorporate a Mouthwash

A good mouthwash can be an effective complement to your brushing and flossing habits. An antibacterial mouthwash can protect your mouth from harmful microbes and keep your breath fresh. These are extremely safe and can upgrade your oral care game. Rinse your mouth after brushing and remember to not gulp it down.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Have you been skipping your dental appointments? Well now is a good time to buck up and visit your Berwyn dentist regularly. Gum disease can be controlled if you opt for those professional dental cleanings provided after an appointment. They can help to remove inaccessible plaque and tartar and protect your mouth from the ill effects of periodontal disease. Thus, regular dental checkups are extremely important and you must not miss them at any cost.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can is not just bad for your lungs, but your oral hygiene as well. It can make you extremely susceptible to periodontitis and can hurt your immune system. If you are suffering from periodontal disease, it can reduce the chances of recovery and create an extreme hassle.

Consider Oil-Pulling

Oil pulling is a good home remedy that can keep the health of your gums intact. Coconut oil can reduce the breeding of bacteria and prevent your gum disease from advancing. You just need to swish around the warm coconut oil in your mouth and spit it out after 10 minutes. It will help to clean around plaque and cavities. You can replace coconut oil with sunflower or sesame oil as well.

Keep A Close Eye on your Diet

Increase the amount of chicken and vegetables in your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables can boost your immune system and help you maintain impeccable oral hygiene. Chicken and other dairy products can make your teeth strong and prevent enamel corrosion. Sugary food and beverages can increase the chances of plaque and cavity formation. Cutting them out and help you lead a good life. You can also consult your Berwyn dentist to make up a proper diet plan.

We hope this blog has helped you collate important information on your gum health. If you are looking for the best periodontal treatment in Berwyn, IL then visit us at Berwyn Dental Connection today!

Sealants for Dental Care

Back teeth’s chewing surfaces may contain small grooves known as fissures. Tooth decay can readily begin in cracks where food can become trapped and cleaning is difficult. These grooves are too tiny for toothbrush bristles to enter and clean. Sealants are thin plastic coatings that are applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth.They aid in the prevention of tooth decay by providing a smoother, easier-to-clean surface. Sealants were invented in the 1960s and have been widely utilised ever since.

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants are plastic coatings that are often applied to the chewing surface of the permanent back teeth to help protect them against decay. Brushing and flossing are the most effective ways to prevent cavities, but cleaning every nook and corner of your teeth especially those back teeth you use to chew is not always simple. Molars are rough and irregular, making them an ideal hiding area for leftover food and cavity-causing germs. There is, however, another safeguard to assist keep your teeth clean. A sealant is a thin, protective covering composed of plastic or other dental materials that clings to the chewing surface of your back teeth. They are not a replacement for brushing and flossing, but they can help prevent cavities from developing and may even prevent early stages of decay from progressing to full-blown cavities.

What Is the Function of Sealants?

Consider them to be raincoats for your teeth. When cavity-causing germs in everyone’s mouth come into contact with residual food particles, they release acids that can cause holes in teeth. Cavities are what these holes are. After sealant is placed, it keeps food particles out and germs and acid from accumulating on your teeth, similar to how a raincoat keeps you clean and dry during a storm.

The Advantages of Dental Sealants

There are several advantages to utilising sealants. They are :

  • Are transparent or white
  • To prevent tooth decay, plug and seal the tiny pits and grooves in the teeth.
  • Apply it for a few moments
  • Cause no discomfort
  • Do not necessitate any injections or drilling on your part
  • They do not dissolve in saliva
  • Are not in danger

An oral health professional applies sealants. They typically endure two to seven years, although they can live much longer. Sealants must be examined on a regular basis by your dental health expert. The majority of decay begins in the little pits and grooves on the biting surfaces of the rear teeth. Permanent molars are the most vulnerable to tooth decay and benefit the most from dental sealants.Most youngsters get their first permanent molars around the age of six or seven, and their second molars around the age of eleven or twelve. As the molars emerge, they are more vulnerable to tooth decay. It is very vital during this time to keep up with your child’s routine dental check-ups.

We hope this article has helped you understand the value of sealants and how they can protect teeth from decay; nonetheless, they must be inspected for chipping or wear during regular dental check-ups. If you are looking for the best Sealants treatment in Berwyn, IL, contact Berwyn Dental Connection.

What is the Role of Fluoride in Dental Care?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring element that protects teeth and keeps them from decaying. For decades, it has been a vital oral health therapy. Fluoride promotes healthy tooth enamel and inhibits the growth of germs that damage teeth and gums. Tooth enamel is the tooth’s exterior protective covering. It is a mineral that may be found in different levels in nearly all foods and water sources.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that aids in the rebuilding of tooth enamel and the reversal of early indications of tooth decay. Fluoride enters your body in two ways: systemically and topically. Fluoridated water and dietary fluoride supplements are examples of systemic fluorides that are consumed. Topical fluoride is administered directly to the teeth through toothpaste, mouth rinses, and dental procedures.

Fluoride is especially beneficial if you have a high risk of developing dental caries, often known as cavities. Cavities arise when germs on teeth and gums combine to produce a sticky coating of plaque. Plaque generates acid, which erodes teeth and gum tissue. Bacteria can infect and damage the nerves and blood in the centre of the tooth if plaque tears down the enamel layer.

What is fluoride treatment?

Fluoride treatments are generally professional treatments that include a high concentration of fluoride and are applied to a person’s teeth by a dentist to enhance health and minimise the chance of cavities. These in-office treatments might be a solution, gel, foam, or varnish. Certain fluoride solutions with high concentrations are accessible for use at home, but only under the guidance of a dentist. The fluoride used by dentists in these treatments is identical to that found in toothpaste. However, the treatment includes far greater dosages and may provide higher efficiency.

Fluoride advantages and fluoride treatments

Fluoride has various dental benefits:

  • It aids the body’s use of minerals such as calcium and phosphate. These minerals are reabsorbed by the teeth in order to restore weakened tooth enamel.
  • It integrates into the tooth structure throughout development to reinforce the enamel of the teeth, making them less sensitive to germs and cavities for the rest of their lives.
  • It delays or even stops the formation of cavities by destroying the germs that cause them.

When combined, these advantages may aid in:

  • Minimise the possibility of cavities
  • Cavity formation is slowed.
  • Extend the life of baby teeth

Fluoride treatments, in addition to preventing cavities and reducing the growth of germs, may also:

  • avoid gum disease
  • diminish tooth pain
  • prevent teeth from losing out prematurely

Fluoride treatments can improve oral health, which is a significant indicator of future wellbeing, according to the World Health Organization. Poor dental health can lead to a variety of other health issues, including cardiovascular disease.

What is the efficacy of fluoride treatment?

A substantial amount of data from randomised controlled trials, the gold standard of scientific research, has demonstrated the advantages of topical fluoride treatments for decay prevention. According to one comprehensive study, fluoride treatments, such as fluoride varnish, have a significant effect in preventing cavities in both primary and permanent teeth.

We hope you found this content to be beneficial. Keep in mind that fluoride alone will not prevent dental caries! Brushing at least twice a day, flossing on a daily basis, eating a balanced diet, limiting sugary foods, and visiting your dentist. In case you are looking for the best fluoride treatment in Berwyn, IL, do not hesitate to contact Berwyn Dental Connection. Book your visit today. 


Impact of Sugar on Teeth and Gums!

Dentists advise us to cut down on a few food items in order to maintain the well-being of our teeth and gums. The food items which consist of a lot of sugar also fall on that list. Are you wondering why? Well, going through this blog will help you to gather all the information related to how can sugar intake be bad for your gums and teeth. So, without any further delay, let us start discussing the topic.

Sugar is actually not the main danger. It is the series of events that occur after consuming food items consisting of sugar that can do serious damage to your teeth. The human mouth consists of numerous bacteria. Some of these bacteria are good while the others are really harmful to your oral health.

Years of experimentation prove that there is a particular type of bacteria in your mouth that produces acid after coming in contact with the sugar. This acid can in turn lead to the decay of enamel (outermost layer of the teeth) and be the reason for immense pain and teeth sensitivity. You should know that ignoring such minor problems can cause nightmares in the future.

Sugar attracts certain types of bad bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. These bacteria feed on the sugar and ultimately initiates the formation of plaque and tartar. You should also be aware of a few dietary habits that can be the reason for tooth decay. They are:

  • Munching on snacks that contain a lot of sugar
  • Drinking a lot of sugary beverages i.e juices, carbonated drinks
  • Chewing sticky and sugary food items

Intake of sugar-rich food items can also cause gum diseases. Gum problems have different stages, eating sugary food can definitely initiate the first phase. 

Tips to fix the problem

Now that you have gained a clear understanding of the negative impacts of sugar on your oral health, let us discuss the tips to resolve such an issue. We have provided the solutions in the pointers below:

  • You should avoid eating or drinking sugary drinks and food items. This can be really helpful in preventing the damage done to the outermost layer of your teeth – enamel.

  • Try to maintain a healthy diet that consists of fruits and vegetables. Eating these food items on a regular basis increases the flow of saliva in your mouth which in turn helps your teeth to get bathed in minerals. Chewing sugarless chewing gums can also increase saliva flow. You need to know that the primary function of saliva is to is was away the food particles stuck in between the teeth and also fight against the bacteria. Therefore, less flow of saliva can create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.

  • It is advisable to eat or drink dairy products on a regular basis. Milk products are rich in phosphate and calcium that are really good for your teeth. Phosphate and calcium strengthen the enamel.

  • Drink green or black tea to prevent the growth of infection-causing bacteria in your mouth.

  • Last but not the least, make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Doing so will be helpful in removing the remnant food particles stuck in between the teeth and as a result, prevent tooth decay or infection. Try to use fluoride toothpaste and maintain a time gap of at least 30 minutes to 1 hour between having a meal and brushing your teeth. It is recommended to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Brushing your teeth with a hard bristle can be a prominent reason for enamel decay. 

Incorporating these simple preventive measures into your daily routine can be of effective help in resolving the problem of tooth decay. In case of any further queries, do consult a dentist nearby. Looking for a good dental clinic is not so difficult in today’s time. You just need to search for the “best dental clinics near me” on the internet and choose from a wide range of options. 

Contact Berwyn Dental Connection if you are looking for top-quality dental treatments in Berwyn, IL. Our dentist and staff members put in their best effort to meet the dental needs of the patients. So hesitate anymore? Call us to schedule your visit today. Thanks.

What to do when a tooth is knocked out?

Tooth getting knocked out is one of the most common dental problems faced by people all across the world. It can happen to people belonging to any age groups. But, you need to know that a knocked-out tooth can be re-planted successfully with the help of proper emergency actions.

As you might have figured out from the title, in this blog we are going to discuss the steps to be executed in case a tooth gets knocked out. So, do not hesitate to go through the sections below in order to draw an end to all questions related to this topic.

Tips to save a Knocked-out tooth

Gathering knowledge about what to do if a tooth falls out can save you from the trouble of teeth loss.

  • Always pick the tooth by the crown – You need to locate the tooth immediately and do not leave it on the floor. You must keep your calm and try to think with a straight mind. Make sure to not touch the root portion of the tooth while picking it up. Hold the crown or the chewing surface.

  • Rinse the tooth with water if it is dirty – The tooth should be rinsed with plain water if it is dirty. You should never use chemicals or soap for rinsing purposes. Also, do not scrub or dry the tooth or wrap it with a tissue.

  • Reinsert the tooth in the socket – Try to reinsert the tooth back into the socket as early as you can. Hold the crown and gently push the tooth or put it above the socket and close your mouth. You to use your fingers to keep the tooth in position and bite down gently.

  • The tooth should remain moist – It is necessary for the tooth to remain wet or moist all the time. This is applicable for all situations – if the tooth is inside your mouth or outside. There are times when people cannot re-insert the tooth back into the socket. You should then put the tooth in a cup and fill it with milk.

  • Contact a dentist as early as possible – The next step is to consult your emergency. It is advisable to reach a dental clinic within 30 minutes of the incident. Though, experts say that a tooth can be saved even if it has been outside the mouth for 60 minutes. Looking for an emergency dentist is not a tough nut to crack anymore. You can search for the “best emergency dentists nearby” on the internet and get a list of options to choose from. 

Going through this blog must have been helpful in letting you know about what to do with a knocked-out tooth. Berwyn Dental Connection will definitely try to come up with blog posts covering such topics in the future days. 

You can also get in touch with Berwyn Dental Connection for the best dental treatments in Berwyn, IL. Our team of trained professionals and dentists are here to serve you with top-quality dental care. Book your appointment today to know more.

How to get a healthy smile?

You must have figured out from the title that in this blog we are going to discuss the ways of improving your smile and lead a healthy life. People nowadays remain really busy with hectic schedules and hardly manage to invest some time in dental care. What they fail to realize is oral health is an important and prominent part of their body. Therefore, ignoring dental problems can definitely be the reason for their nightmares. Going through the sections below will give you an idea about how to take proper care of your gums and teeth and prevent the chances of suffering from dental problems in the days ahead.

Do brush your teeth

Brushing is an important step in dental care. Dentists advise to at least brush twice a day. Brushing actually helps to get rid of the remnant food particles stuck in between your teeth and in turn, lessens the possibility of the growth of infection-causing germs and bacteria. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind to brush your teeth in a proper manner. Firstly, maintain a time gap of at least 30 minutes to 1 hour between having a meal and brushing. Also, always go for a toothbrush that has soft bristles. In the case of teeth sensitivity, choose to buy a toothpaste that is made for sensitive teeth.

Floss you teeth

Flossing is as important as brushing. It is advisable to floss your teeth at least once a day to ensure proper oral hygiene. Flossing should be ideally done before brushing your teeth. It helps to remove plaque from the places where your toothbrush cannot reach. Letting the plaque deposit on your teeth can be the reason for gum infection and invite several serious problems in the long run.

Maintain a healthy diet

What you eat can definitely determine the well-being of your gums and teeth. It is to be noted that avoid a particular type of food item can be good for your oral health. Eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables enhances the growth of your teeth and bones. It also increases the production of saliva in your mouth. On the contrary, having sugary drinks and food items can be the reason for tooth decay.

Drink water

Drinking an adequate amount of water is also necessary to take proper care of your oral health. The reason behind it is pretty simple. Less water intake leads to dehydration which in turn causes less production of saliva in your mouth. Now, the primary function of saliva is to wash away the food particles from between the teeth and also fight against the infection-causing bacteria. So less saliva creates an ideal environment for the growth of these bacteria and contributes to the chances of facing dental problems.

Visit a dentist

Last but not the least, visiting a dentist is very important if you want to preserve your precious smile. Getting your gums and teeth checked on a regular basis can lead to an early diagnosis of any dental problem. Never compromise with the quality of the treatment received and always go for the best dentist near you. Facing trouble in finding a dentist? Search for the “best dentists near me” on the internet. This will give you numerous options to choose from. Contact Berwyn Dental Connection if you are looking for the best dentist in Berwyn, IL. 

What is the cost of Dental Implants?

People often suffer from the problem of teeth loss. Are you one of them as well? Well, if yes there is nothing that you should be worried about. The advancement in the field of modern dentistry has led to the emergence of several treatments undergoing which can resolve your dental problems. Dental implant treatment is one such option. It is known as the perfect pick when it comes to teeth replacement choices. Though, people often hesitate to go for this treatment due to the misconception of implants being very costly. If you have any confusion related to this topic, going through the sections below can be of effective help.

Before delving into the topic, you should be aware of what implants actually are. They can be defined to be artificial roots that are inserted into the jaw to provide both support and stability to the prosthesis such as crown and bridges.

Dental work is relatively costly if compared with the other types of treatments. Similarly, dental implants can seem to be expensive in the beginning. But, it can turn out to be the most economical option in the long run. Are you wondering why? All the other teeth replacement options such as dentures and bridges need to be either replaced or repaired after a span of 5-10 years. None of these tasks can be done without spending money. On the other hand, dental implants are very durable and can last for a lifetime if maintained properly. Now, if you add the money spent on repair and replacement, the total amount will definitely surpass the price to be paid for dental implants. Moreover, dental implants offer several benefits that are missing if you choose to go for other options. 

You must have now gained an idea about why should one choose dental implants if he/she is suffering from the problem of teeth loss. In case of any further confusion, do consult a dentist immediately. This will help to gather detailed knowledge about the treatment process as well.

Cost of Dental Implants

The expenditure on dental implants is never the same for two people and generally varies on the basis of the requirements of a particular patient. There are some other factors that determine the cost of dental implants. They are – the cost of living in the locality where the dental clinic is located, the money charged by the dental professional that directly depends on his/her qualifications and expertise, type of dental implants used in the treatment, complexity of the treatment, etc. The average cost of getting a dental implant can be somewhere around $1500 to $2000 or more per implant. There are times when patients suffer from multiple teeth loss. The cost of dental implant treatment increases in that situation. 

Here at Berwyn Dental Connection, we lay emphasis on making everyone know about everything related to dental treatment. It is due to this reason that we decided to provide you with the additional costs related to the dental implant treatment.

  • The cost of the crown
  • The cost of the abutment
  • The money spent on booking appointments at the dental clinic
  • The special care to be taken pre and post-surgery

Keeping all of these costs in mind, the total expenditure of getting one dental implant can go up to $3000 – $4800 or more. Do you think that the amount is too much? Do not let this thought have the best of you. Trust us, every penny spent on dental implant treatment is worth it. 

Contact Berwyn Dental if you are looking for the best dental implant treatment in Berwyn, IL. You can also check out various top-quality treatments we have to offer at affordable prices. Schedule your visit today to draw an end to all your dental problems. 

How do I find a reliable dentist near me?

Looking for a reliable dentist nearby can be difficult if you are unaware of the factors to consider in order to do so. The rise in health consciousness among people has led to significant growth in the number of dental clinics offering treatment all across the country. But, not all of these clinics offer top-quality assistance and keep the promises made at first.

On the other hand, you can never compromise when it comes down to your oral health. Therefore, it is essential for you to look for a dentist who will understand your problem and also provide you with the required treatment. If you have any confusion or question related to this topic, going through the factors given below can be of effective help.


The primary thing to consider while looking for a dentist near you is the location of the clinic. Always remember that the closer the clinic is, the easier it is for you to not skip appointments. The changing times have made things very difficult for people due to strict deadlines and busy schedules. People often choose to not go to dental clinics as they have no time left.

This will never be a problem if the dental clinic is located in close proximity. All you gotta do is search for the “best dental clinics near me” on the internet. Doing so will give you a list of options to choose from. Select a clinic that will meet your requirements and offer the best service at an affordable price.


You should know that dental treatment is generally costly if compared with the other fields. Make sure to gather detailed knowledge about the amount of money to be paid for the treatment before committing to a particular dental clinic. There is a misconception about everything good being costly. You need to realize that is absolutely false.

You can get find several clinics that offer quality treatment at affordable prices. It is also advisable to look for a clinic that accepts your dental insurance policy (if you have any) to cut down on the total expenditure.


Comfort is another factor that should be considered while looking for the best dentist near you. A major percentage of the treatment can turn out to be effective if the dental professional communicates with the patients. The service or the treatment procedure should feel seamless and hassle-free.

It is essential for the patient to have the liberty to ask questions about the treatment, talk about the symptoms, and also voice out his/her opinions. Not being able to talk with the professional and lack of knowledge can be two prominent reasons for dental anxiety. 

Experience and Expertise

It is advisable to find out the qualifications and area of expertise of the dental professional before booking an appointment. Every person requires a particular type of treatment to get the dental issue resolved.

For example, you cannot go to a dentist with expertise in cosmetic dentistry to undergo dental implant treatment. You should also find out about the experience of the dental professional before committing to a clinic. 

Keeping these factors in mind while looking for a dental clinic will definitely help you to avoid various problems. You need to realize the importance of regular dental checkups and not skip your visits to the clinic in the days to come.

If you are looking for the best dental treatments in Berwyn, IL, contact Berwyn Dental Connection. Our professionals are here to help you out and encounter hurdles on your behalf. So, without any hesitation, schedule your appointment today.