Dentist in Berwyn | Getting a Healthy Start with Children’s Dentistry

Dentist in Berwyn, IL

Dentist in BerwynOur convenient local dental office is featuring children’s dentistry services for families in our community. The American Dental Association recommends that all patients follow a routine of dental examinations at least every six months, or as directed by their dentist. This is particularly important for growing children.

Regular professional dental cleanings are essential for a healthy mouth. During your child’s appointment, we will screen your child’s mouth for tooth decay and gum disease. During your child’s dental cleaning, any buildup of plaque or tartar will be gently removed.

We may recommend a topical fluoride application for your child’s teeth as part of their preventive treatment. Topical fluoride is used to strengthen enamel and make teeth more resistant to tooth decay.

Sealants are also highly effective in preventing tooth decay and cavities on your child’s molars and premolars. These areas are the most susceptible to cavities due to the anatomized grooves. Typically, children should get sealants on their permanent molars and premolars as soon as these teeth come in. These sealants can protect the teeth through the cavity-prone years of ages 6 to 14.

The process of applying sealants is quick and easy. The application steps include:

  • Your child’s teeth are thoroughly cleaned
  • The teeth are dried
  • A liquid solution is put on the chewing surfaces of the teeth
  • The solution is cured using a special curing light

Sealants act as a barrier to protect the enamel from plaque and acids. They may last for several years before reapplication is needed. So long as the sealant remains intact, the tooth surface will be protected from decay.

However, sealants are not a substitute for brushing your teeth. It is important to have your child maintain proper oral hygiene and continue to follow up with professional dental cleanings as recommended by our dental team. In addition, sealants do not protect between the teeth, so it is essential that your child continues to floss daily.

Without proper dental care, children are susceptible to oral decay. Healthy smiles should not stop at our dental office. Our caring team will educate both you and your child on how to make healthy food choices and how to properly brush and floss at home.

Our doctor and team have the experience and qualifications to care for your child’s teeth, gums and mouth throughout various stages of childhood. For more information or to request an appointment, contact our office.

Dentist in Berwyn | 4 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Kids

Dentist in Berwyn

Berwyn DentistAs a parent, the best way to help ensure your child has a lifetime of healthy teeth is to help them establish great dental hygiene habits as they grow.

Here are some useful tips for keeping your child engaged by making dental hygiene fun:

Pick out a special toothbrush.

One great way to keep your child excited about brushing is to allow him or her to choose their own toothbrush in a favorite color or branded with a favorite cartoon character. Child-size soft-bristled brushes come in a wide variety of options designed to make your child like their toothbrush. 

Choose children’s toothpaste.

Another great option is to use a toothpaste that is designed for kids. While adults generally prefer the fresh mouth taste of a minty toothpaste, many children find mint to be too powerful a flavor. This can make brushing unpleasant or even painful to sensitive taste buds. Instead, let your child choose a children’s toothpaste. There are many options available in a variety of soft mint, fruity, and bubble gum flavors. It is much easier to keep your child brushing for a full two minutes when their toothpaste tastes good. 

Use a timer.

Two minutes can seem like a long time to a child. It can be very difficult for your child to try to estimate or count how long to brush without some kind of visual aid. You can help your child stay more engaged and ensure a full two minutes of brushing by using a timer. Choices range from a small sand timer your child can flip over, to a manual stopwatch with buttons to press, or even an app on a phone or tablet to time digitally (if your child is old enough). By letting your child take control of the timer, they can be more confident and more engaged in their brushing. 

Brush together.

A parent is the first and strongest role model for their child. Brushing together can help your child model your great brushing technique, which will improve their own. Additionally, brushing together emphasizes to your child that brushing is important. When your child sees that you take dental hygiene seriously, they are likely to follow suit.

For more tips on making dental hygiene fun for your child, contact our office.

Dentist in Berwyn | To Floss or Not To Floss?

Dentist Berwyn, IL

Dentist in BerwynBy now, you have likely seen news reports questioning whether flossing is necessary for your oral health.

We want to answer your question right away with an absolute YES. Cleaning between your teeth is an essential part of caring for your teeth and gums.

Whether you use traditional string dental floss, a water flosser, an interdental (between teeth) brush, or other form of interdental cleaning, it is important that you clean between your teeth correctly and on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, in the quest for catchy headlines, many news agencies have been providing a great deal of incomplete and inaccurate information.

Here’s the truth: Plaque and bacteria can be prevented from building up between teeth when flossing is done correctly on a daily basis.

Why does that matter? Build-up of plaque and bacteria between teeth is one of the leading causes of periodontal disease, a condition which not only affects your mouth, teeth, and gums, but has been linked to complications with diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and many other systemic health issues.

The next time you visit our office, ask your hygienist to show you the most effective way to clean between your teeth. For more information on flossing and interdental cleaning or to schedule an appointment, contact us.

Dentist in Berwyn | The Periodontal Disease – Diabetes Connection

Dentist in Berwyn, IL

Berwyn IL DentistNearly 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes. Almost 65 million Americans have periodontal disease. Recent studies have suggested that there is a two-way connection between diabetes and periodontal (gum) disease. Patients with gum disease have increased risk of other diabetic complications and patients with diabetes are more prone to developing gum disease.

Gum disease causes inflammation in the body, which can make controlling blood sugar more difficult for diabetic patients. Severe periodontal disease has even been shown to increase blood sugar, making it more difficult to maintain or regain good blood sugar control. In addition, when blood sugar is elevated, patients experience increased risks of additional diabetic complications.

Patients with diabetes are more prone to infections in general. This is especially true for patients whose diabetes is not well controlled. Diabetic patients with poor blood sugar control are more likely to develop gum disease than patients whose diabetes is well controlled. Less controlled diabetic patients will generally have a more severe case of gum disease and are likely to lose more teeth from gum disease, as well.

Besides blood sugar control, diabetes includes a number of other health complications. Diabetic patients are more prone to other oral health issues, such as dry mouth or thrush (a fungal infection of the mouth). Reduced saliva production or infection in the mouth can increase risks of developing periodontal disease as well.

Smoking can escalate these risks even further. Studies have shown that smokers are 5 times more likely than non-smokers to develop gum disease, overall. Diabetic smokers age 45 or older have been found to be 20 times more likely to develop severe gum disease.

Fortunately, when diabetes and blood sugar are well-controlled, the risks of periodontal disease and other oral health complications are no different than for patients without diabetes. If you are diabetic, it is important to work with your doctor to keep your blood sugar under control as much as possible to avoid these added health complications.

Be sure to let us know if you have diabetes and how well-controlled it is. We may need to discuss your medication schedule when planning treatments or to postpone a treatment if your blood sugar is not controlled. Keep in mind that healing from treatment can take longer for diabetic patients, even when blood sugar is well-controlled.

If you have questions or concerns about your risk of periodontal disease with diabetes, contact our office for more information.

Dentist in Berwyn | Restoring Smiles with Veneers

Berwyn Dentist

Dentist in BerwynAbout 1 in 4 adults in the United States feels embarrassed by the look of their smile. Our dental office is proud to offer porcelain dental veneers to new and existing patients. Our doctor has the training and experience to provide porcelain veneers to patients who wish to restore a whiter, healthier, more even look to their smile.

Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic and restorative dental solution that are designed to mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. Veneers create an immediate improvement in the appearance of a smile. They are a minimally invasive treatment option and can be more cost-effective than many other cosmetic improvement options.

Patients  whose teeth are healthy, but are chipped, cracked, crooked, or mildly stained can benefit from veneers. Patients whose teeth are uneven or have gaps may also find veneers are a great solution for improving the look of their smile.

We offer custom-crafted porcelain veneers that are fitted precisely to cover the front surface of the tooth. Because porcelain is a semi-translucent material, the tooth continues to have a natural healthy appearance with the veneer in place. Veneers are chosen with care to match the natural teeth around them, to ensure optimal aesthetic results.

Once placed, porcelain veneers are a strong, stain-resistant, and long-lasting cosmetic dental solution. However, porcelain dental veneers need ongoing dental care, just like natural teeth. They should be brushed and flossed regularly and normal dental exam and cleaning schedules should be maintained. When cared for properly, veneers can last a lifetime.

There are some additional factors to consider before choosing veneers. First, it is common to experience some sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages for a few days following the placement of veneers. This is generally mild and unlikely to last more than about a week.

Second, while porcelain is a strong and durable material, it is recommended to avoid activity that will put great stress on the veneers, such as chewing excessively hard foods or using the teeth to attempt to open a nut or bottle. Finally, any patient who has issues with bruxism (grinding) should discuss this with our doctor before deciding whether to have dental veneers placed.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with our expert dentist, contact our office today. We’re here to give you a smile that you can show with pride.

Dentist in Berwyn | Oral Cancer Screening Can Save Your Life

Dentist in Berwyn

Dentist in BerwynOur expert dentist wants to remind patients that our office offers thorough oral cancer screenings as part of our comprehensive dental health services. Like with every form of cancer, early diagnosis can have a profound impact on the success of your treatment. Regular screenings are your first line of defense against oral cancer and our doctor is here to help.

In your screening, our doctor will check your lips, tongue, gums, mouth, and throat for any abnormalities that could be or become cancerous. We will give careful consideration to any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you have experienced any oral cancer symptoms for more than a week without improvement, schedule an appointment and tell your dentist immediately. Symptoms that could indicate oral cancer include:

  • Ear pain
  • Unexplained mouth bleeding
  • Mouth sores that don’t heal
  • White or red patches in your mouth
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • Lumps or swellings in or around your mouth
  • Sore throat without other sinus symptoms
  • Sensation of something caught in the back of your throat
  • Pain or difficulty in swallowing, speaking, or moving your jaw or tongue

One adult American dies of oral cancer every hour. Though anyone can develop oral cancer, some factors can increase your risks. Some of the most common risk factors include: genetic predisposition, prolonged sun exposure, unhealthy diet, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Oral cancer is more common in men than women. Patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) are at increased risk. Users of tobacco in any form are six times more likely to develop oral cancer than non-users.

Whatever the cause, the success of treatment depends on the size, type, and stage of the cancer. Early detection can play a critical role in your successful recovery. When found in early stages, oral cancers have an 80 – 90% survival rate. The primary reason for this is that early detection leads to earlier treatment. Oral cancers that are found in early or precancerous stages can often be removed and require less invasive procedures to treat. Later stages of cancer are likely to be larger and more complex and often have spread far beyond your mouth.

We are accepting new patients. If you would like more information about oral cancers and oral cancer screenings, call our office for a consultation.

Dentist in Berwyn | Dental Implant Restorations

Dentist in Berwyn

Dentist in BerwynAbout 1 in 4 adults experience tooth loss between the ages of 21 and 30. Dental implants are a safe and long-term option for tooth replacement that improve the appearance and functionality of your smile.

A dental implant can be paired with a replacement crown for single tooth replacement or can be used in small groups to anchor a denture or dental bridge. Dental implants are a strong, long-lasting solution for tooth loss and serve to prevent jaw bone loss in the same manner as a natural tooth root.

There are many benefits to choosing dental implants as a tooth-replacement solution. Some of these include:

  • Natural looking smile: Dental implants are crafted to closely resemble your natural teeth, restoring a natural-looking smile.
  • Improved oral health: Since there is no need to alter surrounding teeth to anchor implants, more of your natural teeth are preserved intact, improving long-term oral health.
  • Improved speech: With removable, non-anchored dentures, teeth can slip within the mouth, causing slurred or mumbled speech. Dental Implants remove that concern.
  • Improved comfort: Dental Implants avoid the slipping and discomfort of removable dentures.
  • Improved function: Dental Implants function like your natural teeth, allowing you to eat without pain.
  • Durability: Dental implants are stable, strong, and stain-resistant.
  • Protect healthy bone structure: Empty spaces caused by tooth loss can, over time, lead to deterioration of the jawbone. Since Dental Implants function like tooth roots, they are able to prevent this type of deterioration, just as natural teeth do.
  • Long-term solution: Dentures must be replaced about every 5-7 years. Dental Implants, when cared for properly, can last a lifetime.

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be right for you. We will consider your oral and overall health prior to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Some considerations include:

  • Adequate bone support to anchor the implant
  • Healthy gum tissue
  • Sinus and nerve location
  • Overall health, including any chronic illnesses

In some cases, we may recommend advance treatment for your upper or lower jaw to enable you to have the bone support needed for implantation. As always, your treatment plan is created based on your specific needs and goals for your healthy smile.

If you are interested in learning more about dental implants or would like to schedule a consultation, contact our office today for an appointment. We’re here to help restore the health and beauty of your smile.

Dentist in Berwyn | Dr. Lares and her Team Visit Wellness Fair

Dentist in Berwyn IL

Berwyn, IL Dentist Dr. Olivia Lares and her team recognized February’s National Children’s Oral Health Month by going to Lincoln Middle School’s Wellness Fair. At the Fair, Dr. Lares and her team spent some time talking to the students about the importance of good oral hygiene. Everyone had a great time. Contact our office for more information.

Thank You


Thank you for trusting me with your dental health care. You are a valuable part of my work and my life. I want you to know that my team and I appreciate your time, your trust, and your teamwork in your oral health care.

A smile is contagious. I love coming into work everyday and helping our fellow community members achieve the smile of their dreams because it means that they’ll share that smile with those around them. I believe that all of this smiling makes our community a better, happier place.

Serving the community we share gives me purpose. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for sharing your smile with our staff and your fellow community members. Thank you for being a patient that brightens our team’s day. Thank you for being a big part of why I smile.

If we’ve made you smile, please tell your friends and family about us. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment.

Thank you so much.


Dentist in Berwyn | A Sweet Treat for Your Smile

Dentist in Berwyn, IL

Berwyn DentistDid you know that some types of sugar can be less detrimental for your teeth than others?

The biggest nutritional factor impacting your oral health is sugar. Refined sugars and other refined carbohydrates cause most of the build-up of plaque and plaque-forming bacteria inside the mouth. This build-up is the primary cause of both tooth decay and periodontal disease. Because of this, diets high in refined sugars create a significantly increased risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.

The sugars in fruit work differently in your mouth than refined sugars do. Fruit sugars come as a package deal with fiber, which is a major game changer. Fiber stimulates increased saliva in your mouth. Saliva is your first line of defense against the acids that cause tooth decay. Since the fiber that accompanies the natural sugars in fruit creates more saliva, more acid is neutralized and fewer food particles remain on your teeth after eating.

When you’re deciding what kind of sweet snack you want to have, consider the benefits of fruit’s natural sugar and fiber combination. Regular professional dental care can help offset the negative effects of those occasional refined sugar indulgences.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Don’t hesitate to call us to schedule your next dental appointment or forward this email to a friend who may benefit from meeting us.