60402 Dentist | What You Should Know About Partial Dentures

Dentist Berwyn, IL

Determining Which Type of Denture is Best for You  

Dentures can either be a replacement of all of one’s teeth known as complete dentures or a section of teeth, known as partial dentures. When arriving for your scheduled appointment here is what you can expect. X-rays to look for any issues that might affect fit. In some cases, the addition of crowns, may be needed to accommodate the new partials. Once fitted, your dentist will recommend keeping them in for one week to make any necessary adjustments. Next, how you should care for them, why it is important to note any misconceptions, and any future questions you might have will go down here in this handy guide. Always consult your dental professional should you have any questions or concerns.

Fitting of Partial Dentures

Having been fitted with your partials, you will be ready to schedule a follow up appointment you’re your dental professional to make any adjustments and address any concerns you are having during this first week period. There will be different types of products available to you the consumer for taking care of your new partials, and that it is important to know what to expect when wearing and caring for them. Some of the commonly held misconceptions are listed below and are summarized from the ADA’s recommendations.

Misconceptions and how to Care for Them Below, is a look at some differences, and what you can expect when caring for your new partials. The many different types of products available to you over the counter and caring for them will change. Below, we can see how and what will be done different.

  1. Never brush your dentures with a regular toothbrush. Always use an approved denture brush designed specifically for dentures themselves, otherwise you can damage them.
  2. Avoid any non-approved denture toothpaste not designed for dentures. They are far too abrasive and again you risk damaging them.
  3. Instead, using a mild household soap and water is perfectly acceptable and will not damage them.
  4. Your dentist will probably recommend a cleanser. Look for denture cleaners sold over the counter that are ADA acceptable and the label clearly indicates this.
  5. Finally, if at any time your dentures become damaged, either they have been chipped or are missing one or more teeth, consult your dentist immediately.

Whether you are deciding which type of dentures, either partial and full replacements, you should now have a basic understanding of what to expect with full or partial ones. Avoiding cleansers and brushes that will cause harm or damage and following the recommendation of your dental professional are crucial in making your new partials last a long time.

To schedule and appointment, contact our office.

3340 S. Oak Park Ave #308
Berwyn, IL 60402
(708) 484-0212

6 Harmful Habits That Affect Your Teeth

Dentist in Berwyn

Berwyn, IL DentistNearly everyone has at least one habit that they wish they could break. Did you know that some of them can affect your oral health? Here are a few common habits and tips for how to break them.


6 Habits That Affect Your Dental Health

1.Nail Biting

Why it’s harmful: Your dental health may suffer from nail biting by possibly chipping your teeth or impacting your tooth. You place pressure on your jaw when you leave it in a protruding position for long periods of time. You could also tear or damage your gums.

The solution: Some patients find it helpful to wear a mouth guard to deter form nail biting. Other ways to reduce nail biting include using therapy techniques, reducing stress, or applying bitter tasting nail polish.

2.Brushing Too Hard

Why it’s harmful: It’s best to brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day. Make sure to not brush too hard since this can lead to damage to the teeth and gum irritation. When you brush too hard, you risk gum recession and not cleaning your teeth efficiently.

The solution: Instead of brushing hard, use a soft toothbrush and apply a proper pressure. Let your toothbrush bristles touch your gums at a 45 degree angle and reduce the force of your brush on your gums.

3.Grinding and Clenching

Why it’s harmful: This can chip or crack your teeth as well as cause muscle tenderness and joint pain. You may also experience a painful sensation when chewing or inability to open your mouth wide

The solution: Stay aware of your teeth grinding and clenching and use relaxation exercises to keep from doing both. A mouth guard can also help protect you from grinding your teeth while you sleep. This will reduce any tooth pain, or muscle soreness and give you a better sleep. Our dentist can provide recommendations for how to combat teeth grinding.

4.Chewing Ice Cubes

Why it’s harmful: Tooth enamel and ice are both crystals. When you push two crystals against each other, it can cause one to break. This may be the ice and sometimes it may be the tooth.

The solution: Try drinking beverages without ice or use a straw instead.

5.Constant Snacking

Why it’s harmful: If your diet consists heavily of sugary foods and drinks, you are at a higher risk of forming cavities. The cavity-causing bacteria feast on leftover food and produces acid that attacks the outer shell of your teeth.

The solution: To reduce snacking, eat balanced meals so that you can feel fuller, longer. You should avoid sugary foods when snacking. If you are tempted to eat the occasional sugary snack, just make sure to drink a glass of water after to wash away the leftover food.

6.Using Your Teeth as a Tool

Why it’s harmful: Using your teeth as a tool to hold items, open bottles, cut through thread, or other functions can put you at risk for chipped or broken teeth or jaw injuries.

The solution: Your teeth should never be used to hold or open items or to cut things when you don’t have scissors at your disposal. Look for your scissors or find someone that can give you a hand. Your mouth will thank you for it and you’ll be saving yourself from potentially costly and painful dental complications.

Contact our office to schedule your next dental appointment.

Dentist 60402 | 12 Reasons to See Your Dentist

Dentist in Berwyn

Berwyn, IL DentistDon’t wait until you’re in pain to see your dentist! Most people make time to clean out the house, car, garage, or closets at least twice a year. Why not include your oral health on your “to do” list?

Schedule an Appointment Now!

Regular professional cleaning and examinations are essential to maintaining optimal oral health. These routine visits are your first line of defense against tooth decay, periodontal disease, oral cancers, and more. Early identification and treatment of any oral illness improves outcomes and allows for less-invasive treatment options. Don’t wait until it hurts!

Why Do We Avoid Going?

The HDI institute, in a study done with the American Dental Association, lists some of the main reasons we sometimes delay going to the dentist. Cost, low perceived need, time, and anxiety are the most common causes. However, if we allow these concerns to interfere with oral care, we may allow more serious issues to develop.

When Should We See the Dentist?

The ADA or American Dental Society recommends maintaining twice yearly visits for cleaning and examinations. In addition, they advise making an appointment for any of the following concerns:

  1. Pain in your mouth, teeth, or face
  2. Injury to your mouth, teeth, or face
  3. Conditions that can affect oral health, such as diabetes
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Jaw pain or stiffness
  6. Bleeding, swelling, or redness in your gums
  7. Recent dental treatment, such as fillings, crowns, implants, or root canal
  8. Pain or difficulty eating or drinking
  9. Chronic dry mouth
  10. Smoking or tobacco use
  11. Sores in your mouth that are not healing
  12. You have questions or concerns about your oral health or hygiene

Our team is here to help you achieve and maintain your best oral health. To schedule your next appointment, please contact our office.

(708) 484-0212 • 3340 S. Oak Park Ave #308, Berwyn, IL 60402

Dentist Berwyn IL | Referral Rewards! (Sept. 1- Dec. 31)

Berwyn Dentist

Starting on September 1st, Berwyn Dental Connection will be holding a promotion where every patient who refers a new patient will be entered in our Rewards Drawing! At the end of each month, one person will win a free Sonicare toothbrush.

Start referring your friends and family now to be entered to win! Please do not hesitate to contact our office for more information about this promotion.

(708) 484-0212 • 3340 S. Oak Park Ave #308, Berwyn, IL 60402

Dentist Berwyn IL | 5 Interesting Dental Facts

Dentist in Berwyn

Dentist in 60402Did you know your oral health can impact your overall health? We’ve compiled a list of 5 tidbits about your teeth and oral health.

Say Cheese

Cheese has been found to promote dental health by helping prevent tooth decay. The calcium and phosphorus found in cheese help neutralizes acid in the mouth. Acid can create dental erosion, which can cause decay that may require filling. Cheese creates a protective film around teeth and helps remineralize the enamel.

Keep Smiling

Your smile can make a difference. Studies have found that 50% of people consider a smile the first facial feature they notice. One study found that 88% of us remember people with beautiful smiles whenever we meet new people. This means attractive smiles are key to being more noticeable and remembered.

Toothbrush Time

Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush at least once every three months. You should get a new toothbrush after recovering from any sort of viral infection, flu, or cold. You are more likely to be re-infected if these bacteria implant themselves on the bristles.

You’re Unique

In your lifetime, you only get two sets of teeth— baby teeth and permanent teeth. It is important to take proper care of your permanent teeth. Did you know that no two people have precisely the same set of teeth? Your teeth are as unique as a fingerprint. This is the reason teeth are used by investigators for identification. Your tongue also has a unique print, though it is not commonly recorded.

F.Y.I on Floss

Floss is a lot more useful than you may think. If you skip out on your daily flossing, you can miss cleaning up to 40% of your tooth surfaces. Flossing can also help prevent gum disease by removing plaque near the gum line. Floss has other alternative creative uses. The next time you are looking for a fun holiday project, grab some dental floss and a handful of cereal to string for the tree. Floss works well for repairing a bead necklace too!

Contact our office to schedule a comprehensive oral examination.

3340 S. Oak Park Ave #308, Berwyn, IL 60402

Berwyn Dentist | Chewing Gum for Your Oral Health

Dentist in Berwyn

Dentist in 60402Sugary, sticky, and sweet candies can damage your teeth by increasing your risk of decay. Though gum can be considered a type of candy, chewing sugarless gum approved by the ADA can actually help protect teeth and prevent tooth decay. Here’s what you need to know about gum and your teeth.

How it Works

Chewing gum helps increase the production of saliva. Chewing sugarless gum for twenty minutes following meals can help prevent tooth decay because the saliva helps wash away food and other debris from the surface of your teeth. Increased salivary flow can also neutralize acids that bacteria produce inside your mouth. Over time, acid can break down tooth enamel, leading to decay. Saliva contains calcium and phosphate, which aid in strengthening tooth enamel.

Look for the ADA Seal

The ADA Seal assures you that the gum is sugarless and has met the ADA’s criteria for safety and effectiveness. ADA-labeled products are tested to ensure they provide the benefits guaranteed by the seal. Companies must verify all relevant data with the ADA to become certified. If you are unable to brush for a short period of time, chewing gum with the ADA seal is a great option to help clean your teeth after a meal or snack.

Can I Stop Brushing if I Chew Gum?

No. Chewing gum for twenty minutes after a meal helps but is not a replacement for brushing and flossing. You should brush at least twice each day, for two full minutes. Chewing gum also does not eliminate your need for regular dental examinations. Our dentist recommends scheduling two visits each year, with additional visits necessary for high-risk patients with oral health conditions.

Chewing sugarless gum has noticeable benefits for your oral health, such as increasing the production of saliva. While this can help prevent the build up of decay-causing bacteria, chewing gum should not be used as a substitute for brushing or flossing. Our dentist recommends that if you are chewing gum, be sure to choose an ADA approved brand of sugarless gum.

Contact our office to schedule a comprehensive oral examination.

Berwyn Dentist | Oral Cancer Risk Factors

Dentist in Berwyn

Dentist in 60402During a comprehensive dental examination, our team will look for signs of oral cancer. Early detection is key with oral cancer. If caught early, most forms of oral cancer are treatable. Our dental team is trained and educated to identify oral cancer.

Everyone is susceptible to the disease, but some groups of people are at a higher risk level than others. Here are the top seven risk factors for oral cancer.


Are you in your mid-40s? Your risk of developing oral cancer increases with age. A noticeable increase is evident in people in their 40s and older. According to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the majority of diagnosed cases occur around the age of 62, but the average age is declining. The recent increase in Human Papillomavirus (HPV) related cases is causing more people to be diagnosed for oral cancers between the ages of 52 and 56. As the average age for oral cancer cases decreases, it is vital that you receive regular oral cancer screenings at any age.


Men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer compared to women. Part of this difference may be related to regular intake of alcohol and tobacco. According to the American Cancer Society, the gender difference is decreasing since more women are drinking and using tobacco today than in previous generations. There has also been a trend in recent years of younger men being diagnosed with HPV-related oral cancer. Both men and women should schedule regular oral health examinations to detect oral cancer early.


Smoking or chewing tobacco can greatly increase your risk of developing oral cancer. Tobacco can lead to cancer of the mouth or throat. Additionally, oral tobacco products cause cancers associated with the cheeks, gums, and inner surface of the lips. Development of these cancers depends on the duration and frequency of tobacco use. Non-smokers are not immune to oral cancer, so be sure to schedule an appointment with our team for an examination.


Among those that are diagnosed with oral cancer, about 70% of people are characterized as heavy drinkers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heavy drinking is defined as having an average of two or more drinks per day for men, and one or more drinks per day for women. People who drink heavily can be more than twice as likely to develop oral cancers than people who do not drink. Oral cancer can still occur in people who have never had an alcoholic drink. Contact our team to schedule an examination.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

This sexually transmitted disease is associated with at least 10,000 cases of oral cancer diagnosed each year in the United States. People who have HPV-related oral cancers tend to be younger and are unlikely to smoke or drink. Typically, those diagnosed with HPV-related oral cancers are at a much lower risk of death or reoccurrence. We suggest a proactive approach by maintaining regular visits to our dental office.


People who work outside or with prolonged exposure to sunlight have a higher risk of developing lip cancer. It is vital to use UV protection when under the sun. Many lip balms offer UV protection. If you work outdoors frequently, schedule an additional examination with our team.


Poor nutrition can increase your risk for developing oral cancer. According to the American Dental Association, reports have shown that a link exists between diets low in fruits and vegetables and a higher risk for oral cancers. However, oral cancer can develop in healthy individuals. No matter your diet, schedule a visit with our team for a comprehensive oral examination.

Oral cancer does not discriminate. While these seven factors have been tied to an increased risk of oral cancer, that does not diminish the importance of regular oral examinations for everyone regardless of their age, gender, or other factors. Regular dental examinations make it possible for our team to detect oral cancer early. Contact our office to schedule a comprehensive oral examination.

Berwyn Dentist | Is Your Morning Routine Affecting Your Smile?

Dentist in Berwyn, IL

Dentist in 60402If you are like most Americans, you probably consider a nice hot cup of coffee an essential part of starting each day. In the U.S. alone, we consume about 400 million cups daily. While coffee can be an effective way to help you feel more alert and ready for the challenges that await you, not everything about coffee is so positive. Did you know that your habitual morning beverage may impacting your smile?

Coffee can cause wear.

Though coffee is a liquid, it does cause tooth enamel to wear over time. Coffee is full of acids that cling to the miniscule pits and grooves in the surface of your teeth, eating away at tooth structure. If you are using sugar or cream in your coffee, you may be adding to the effects by attracting more harmful bacteria that can cause decay.

Coffee causes staining.

Particles from coffee adhere to the surface of teeth and cause the teeth to become discolored over time. The enamel wear caused by coffee can make teeth appear less white, as well. This can make your teeth look and feel older than they are, as we tend to associate dull or discolored teeth with age.

There are actions that can help.

Your first and best option should be prevention. Obviously, if you stop drinking coffee it will not have the ability to further damage or stain your teeth. However, this may not be an option you are willing to consider. Teeth whitening can help restore the brighter, whiter appearance that you want your smile to show. Contact our office for a consultation to discuss what whitening option is best for your teeth.

Once you have completed your whitening treatment, there is another bit of good news. You can continue to enjoy your morning coffee and preserve your bright white smile. Consider using a straw so your coffee will bypass your teeth when you drink. Drink your coffee quickly, rather than lingering over it. This will limit the time the acids from coffee can sit on your teeth and cause damage. When you finish your cup, brush your teeth, if possible. Rinse your mouth with water to help prevent any coffee from remaining on your teeth.

With some care, you can restore and maintain a bright white smile without giving up the morning coffee you love. For more information on whitening your smile, contact our office.

Berwyn Dentist | Cosmetic Dentistry: Common Questions Answered

Dentist in Berwyn, IL

Dentist in 60402To help patients and visitors gain a better understanding of cosmetic dentistry, we decided to share some of the most common questions we are asked.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry includes treatments that are designed to improve the appearance of your smile, in addition to improving your oral health and function.

What treatments will be offered to me?

Your cosmetic dental solution will be tailored to your unique smile, but may include cosmetic bonding, porcelain dental veneers, whitening, dental crowns, or other treatment options.

How do I know what treatment I should have?

Our expert doctor is trained and experienced in many cosmetic dental treatments. Before you make any decisions regarding your treatment plan, we will take time with you to discuss your goals and priorities, our recommendations, and your options.

How do I know if you are right the cosmetic dentist for me?

Our cosmetic dentist is highly skilled and experienced. We invite you to look at the before and after photos and patient reviews on our website to see the beautiful results our patients have achieved. If you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to take time to talk with you.

Does cosmetic dentistry have any benefit besides appearance?

Great cosmetic dentistry provides a wide range of benefits to you. Some of these include:

  • Improving confidence
  • Boosting self-esteem
  • Creating a healthier appearance
  • Making hygiene habits more effective
  • Increasing function (in some cases)
  • Providing a younger appearance
  • Giving you a beautiful smile

For more information or to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation, contact our office.

Berwyn Dentist | Maintaining Your Oral Health During Cancer Treatments

Dentist in Berwyn

Dentist in BerwynBefore, during, and after cancer treatment it is necessary to keep up with your oral health routine. Cancer and cancer treatments can impact your mouth, so talk to our dentist about your specific treatment and what you can do to keep up with your oral health. Here are a few points to consider.

Brush, Floss, and Come Visit Us

You should always brush for two minutes, twice each day, and floss regularly. This is your best defense against tooth decay. You should also be visiting our office for a routine examination regularly, however it is especially important to do so before starting cancer treatment. Our dentist can share recommendations about changes you can make to your brushing and flossing routine to help manage potential cancer treatment side effects.

Practice Healthy Habits

This is true for everyone. Eat healthy and avoid smoking, whether it is tobacco or electronic cigarettes. A balanced diet and regular exercise will keep your immune system working at its full potential. Make sure your diet is full of diverse fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products. Don’t skip out on getting protein through eggs, beans, and chicken.

Keep Your Mouth Clean & Moist

A common side effect of cancer treatments such as radiation is dry mouth. Our teeth depend on saliva to help keep the enamel on our teeth strong, but a dry mouth lacking saliva will leave you susceptible to decay and damage. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist. Rinse your mouth frequently, especially after vomiting, to wash away sugars and acids from collecting on your teeth.

After Treatments, Visit Us

Keep regularly scheduled visits to our office, particularly when you end treatment. Certain medications can weaken your teeth or leave you at a higher risk for developing oral health issues. Talk to our knowledgeable dental team about your treatment plans and how they can impact your teeth.

Cancer and cancer treatments and medications can have a significant impact on your oral health. Make our dental team part of your support group during your treatment, and inform us of the medications and treatments you are receiving. Together we can work towards solutions that keep your mouth healthy, and your teeth strong.

For more information on keeping your mouth healthy, please contact our office.