Berwyn Dental Connection Official Ribbon Cutting

At Berwyn Dental Connection, Dr. Lares and her team can help create and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile for you!

We invite you to contact our office to schedule a visit and meet with our dentist. Berwyn Dental Connection’s ribbon cutting ceremony made it into Berwyn Life newspaper!




Take a look at our ribbon cutting ceremony below!

Dentist in Berwyn | What Does Your Oral Health Say About You

Proper oral health care has been closely linked to your overall wellbeing. These four oral health symptoms can be signals of a stressful lifestyle, improper diet, poor dental hygiene and other health conditions.

Flat Ground-Down Teeth: Teeth grinding, or bruxism, results in issues with worn down or flat teeth. This can be caused by a joint dysfunction, but it can also be a stress signal. Specifically, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) can occur due to poorly functioning jaw muscles and can be a sign of a high stress lifestyle. Besides looking into less stressful activities, contact our office for advice on stopping bruxism.

Eroded and Crumbing Teeth: Chipped teeth and tooth surface loss can cause major dental pain and long-term health issues. This is usually relative to an unhealthy diet. One main cause is due to soft drinks, or high acidic intake. Beverages high in sugar and starches can erode teeth. Having the right diet can make all the difference in keeping your teeth healthy.

Inflamed Gums: Proper oral hygiene is key to optimal oral and overall health. Inflamed gums can indicate lack of consistent brushing, flossing and fluoride rinsing. Due to periodontitis, or gum disease, gums can be bothersome. It can include problems such as swelling, bleeding and soreness. Symptoms like these can be indicative of other serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Studies have shown that people with moderate to advanced gum disease are more likely to have heart disease than those with healthy gums.

Sensitive Teeth: Sensitive teeth, a common dental problem, can cause pain while eating or brushing. It is a condition that may result from receding gums, intense brushing or grinding. Sensitive teeth may also indicate a diet high in erosive or acidic foods, or even a cracked tooth. If you are experiencing sensitivity, you may need to reevaluate your diet or dental care regimen. Speak to our dentist about switching to a new toothpaste, which could help reduce discomfort by protecting the enamel.

Recognizing these issues, along with practicing proper dental hygiene, is a great step toward better oral and overall health. Visit our dentist on a regular basis for proper dental care and recommendations for a healthier you.

Dentist in Berwyn | The Truth Behind 5 Popular Dental Misconceptions

Clearing up misconceptions about oral health can help improve personal oral hygiene efforts for a beautiful and healthier smile. If you keep up with your oral hygiene regimen, dental visits are significantly easier and dental care is more manageable.

Misconception #1 – My teeth are fine if I have no pain

Tooth decay (cavities) usually doesn’t cause pain until they become very severe. Once it gets to this stage, the amount of decay could lead to more invasive and costly treatments. Some of the most dangerous oral disorders, such as oral cancer and gum disease, typically don’t cause pain at all. It is important to keep up with scheduled dental appointments. Our dentist can diagnose problems even at its earliest stages when there is no pain.

Misconception #2 – Cavities are only caused by sweets

When you eat sweets, the bacteria in your mouth start consuming it and produce acid. This acid dissolves the enamel of the tooth, which results in tooth decay or cavities. However, this process happens when you eat anything that is a starch or carbohydrate. Food and snacks, such as crackers, bread, potato chips, fruit, peanut butter and pasta, have the same effect on your teeth.

Misconception #3 – If my gums bleed, I should stop flossing

Bleeding gums are often the first sign of gum disease. This happens when bacterial infections inflame your gums due to a lack of efficient cleaning. With regular brushing and flossing, gums will be much healthier and should rarely bleed. However, gum inflammation can occur despite best oral hygiene habits. In such instances, you should see improvement if you rinse with warm salt water and continuing to brush and floss.

Misconception #4 – Whiter teeth are healthier teeth

Healthy teeth come in a wide range of natural shades. Whiter teeth cannot show if there is an infection or cavity between the teeth. Although pure white teeth do not equate to healthier teeth, they should still be naturally on the whiter side.

Misconception #5 – Children are more prone to tooth decay

Tooth decay (cavities) can develop at any age. People assume children have poor brushing habits and are more prone to tooth decay. Cavities form when bacteria cause a loss or weakening in tooth enamel and eventually decay forms a hole in the tooth. This is usually seen in people with poor brushing and flossing habits, regardless of age.

Excellent oral health promotes overall good health and is definitely not a misconception. It is important to practice good oral hygiene habits. If you have any questions regarding your dental health, please contact our dentist.